Top 10 Favorite Actors

Hello again!

So, it's been an odd week on here, I'm happy to announce that my Spy kids 4 review is no longer my most viewed Page! it's been surpassed by my Top 10 Directors and My Pom Poko Review!

Anyway I figured since I'm in the middle of a few TV shows and haven't sat down to watch a movie in a while. still have a few Ghibli films to finish up, I'll finish those soon. I'll do another top 10, staying int he Vein of Filmmaking. so Why not Actors? Actors are well known, eventually I'll do something like Production designers and Cinematographers. but for now, Actors! maybe I'll accompany it with an Actresses one after it!

I'm not limiting this list to Film or TV, or Country of origin. To put it in perspective, about 25 actors made my short list, and I had a very hard time cutting them down to the 10 (and 6 bonuses) that I put on the list. I'm also Highlighting the top 5 movies for each actor.


10. Luke Goss
A very underrated actor. He's been in numerous B-list films like Interview With a Hitman and Pressed. He Excels at playing hitmen and assassins, but I love him for his Villain roles. Prince Nuada in Hellboy 2 is my Favorite Villain of all time, and Nomek was badass in Blade 2. I'd love to see him play more villains and get out of the 'Poor man's Jason Statham' moniker.

 - Hellboy II, The Golden Army -
 - Blade 2 - 
 - Interview with a Hitman - 
 - Death Race 2 - 
  - Inside -  

9. Martin Freeman
I've been a big fan of Martin Freeman since Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy back in 2005. He's a brilliant actor and to me the best part of the Hobbit. Well, live action part.... I had a bit of a struggle picking him over Benedict Cumberbatch, But because of the sheer amount of movies He has I picked Freeman hands down. He's also a Cornetto Triloger!

 - Sherlock
 - The World's End - 
 - Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - 
 - The Hobbit - 
 - Love Actually - 

8. Ewan McGregor
I don't care what anyone says, I enjoyed the Prequels. The best part about them, besides the amazing visuals, was Ewan Mcgregor.  He impresses me with almost everything, even the critically panned The Island. I'll admit he has quite a few iffy movies under his belt, but I enjoy his acting in every one of them.

 - Star Wars Prequels - 
 - The Island - 
 - Moulin Rouge - 
 - Trainspotting - 
 - Beginners - 

7. Tom Cruise
Now I know what you're thinking. "Oh he's crazy!" "He's a Scientologist!" "blah blah blah" Honestly, I don't care. He can be the craziest guy on the planet for all I care. He's a damn good actor. I have absolutely no care for his personal life but if he keeps cranking out amazing movies like Collateral, Minority Report or Oblivion I'll gladly see his movies. He's one of the most solid actors in Hollywood and somehow he's hated by a majority of the people. It's not like he's a rapist or anything, just super excited and a little weird. Get off your high horses and pay attention to what really matters, his movies.

 - Minority Report - 
 - Collateral - 
 - Mission Impossible Series - 
 - Jack Reacher - 
 - Oblivion - 
 - War Of the Worlds - 

6. Andy Serkis
Ten bucks if anyone can name a movie other than Lord of the Rings or Hobbit. no? Okay, well Andy Serkis is one of the best Motion Capture actors on the planet. He's Extremely underrated and for the most part unrecognized. i mean his best character he's ever played is a Digital creation. using his motions and his facial expressions. He's never actually on screen for his 3 biggest roles.

 - The Lord of the Rings - 
 - The Hobbit - 
 - King Kong - 
 - Rise of the Planet of the Apes - 
 - Inkheart - 

5. Idris Elba
another rather underrated actor. He's a brilliant Performer and has finally gotten the recognition he deserves from his show Luthor. I've been a fan for years and will continue watching his films as long as he brings the calm collected persona to his movies.

 - Pacific Rim - 
 - Luthor - 
 - The Wire - 
 - Thor - 
 - Prometheus - 

4. Neil Patrick Harris
I almost forgot him. I literally had to add him in last minute. but I love Neil Patrick Harris, whether it's Dr. Horrible or Barney he brings a great wit and presence to his roles. He's great at that kind of snarky character but ultimately with a kind heart underneath. Just stop doing the Smurfs for smurf's sake.

 - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - 
 - How I Met Your Mother - 
 - Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle - 
 - Doogie Howser M.D. - 

3. Doug Jones
And again, Name a movie or show where you see his actual face. Besides The Guild it's a bit tough. Doug Jones is one of the best Prosthetic actors out there. he's in an amazing amount of movies, but always covered in layers and layers of makeup. yet I love seeing him in the roles. he has a huge assortment of B list horror movie roles, check him out.

 - Hellboy Series - 
 - The Guild - 
 - Pan's Labyrinth - 
 - Dragonage Redemption - 
 - Legion - 

2. Nathan Fillion
I Loved him in Firefly and Serenity. and since those I've gone out of my way to watch everything he's in. Even keeping up with Castle, I only watch it for him. I loved Dr Horrible and Liked him as Hermes in the otherwise horrible Percy Jackson 2. He brings a great presence to every role he's in and I'd love to see him as Ant Man.

 - Firefly - 
 - Serenity - 
 - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - 
 - Castle - 
 - Waitress - 

1. Simon Pegg
Is anyone remotely surprised? Edgar Wright is my number one director, his writing partner and leading man is my number one actor. Simon Pegg has been my number one since Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. he can do no wrong. well, except how to lose friends and alienate People. He's also a brilliant writer, co-writing Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End and Paul. even though I wasn't a huge fan of the Paul, but that was more that I loved Half of it (the comicon and overall story) but once Seth Rogen's Paul was introduced it felt like someone else took over the script, ROGEN, err, (rogen) so it's a love hate movie.

 - Shaun of the Dead - 
 - World's End - 
 - Hot Fuzz - 
 - Spaced - 
 - Paul - 
 - Star Trek Series - 
 - Mission Impossible Series - 
 - Fantastic Fear of Everything - 
 - Run Fatboy Run - 
 - Burke and Hare - 

 - Honorable Mentions -
Johnny Depp
 - Used to be my favorite actors but lately he just plays fools in makeup and crazy flailing. but I still love him as an actor

George Clooney
 - one of the best actors in Hollywood, but he just barely missed the list

Hugh Jackman
 - He's awesome as Wolverine and is a surprisingly talented singer.

 - The One hit Wonders -
Kenichi Matsuyama
 - Absolutely Loved him as L in Deathnote, but has yet to do another thing on the same level

Bryan Cranston
 - Absolutely Brilliant as Walter White, but apart from that, nothing really stands out.

Benedict Cumberbatch
 - Amazing as Sherlock. but otherwise, nothing amazing, yet. and come on, Khan? Again? Can we not get something original?

So there's my Top 10 Actor list, was a bit tougher to do that I wouda liked. next up, actresses!
