Movie Review 165: Self/Less


I love original Sci-fi movies. I especially love ones grounded in believable science and set in the present. Self/Less is a fun and intriguing little movie. I was curious about it going in and coming out I was actually pleasantly surprised. The concept itself is pretty cool. transferring your mind to another body and continuing to live as a new person.

It's a concept we've seen before in multiple movies. That's one of the biggest detractors in this one. I've seen the core element before. though it's been a while and this movie did it pretty well, it's a tired plot device. I enjoyed it never-the-less. Self/less is odd like that, even though I felt like i'd seen it before, it felt new.

THe story had enough turns in it to keep it interesting. I honestly didn't see most of the little twists coming. I won't got into spoilers here, but it was actually pretty relieving to see it didnt quite devolve into cliches

Ryan reynolds is pretty good, Honestly never saw any Ben Kingsley in him. which is odd for a movie that tries so hard to show you that they are the same person. I never saw any correlation between the two characters at all. Basically any character that was supposed to be the same as others earlier in the movie was completely unrecognizable as the new character.

Movies like Faceoff or Harry potter 7 have done the 'new body' thing unbelievably well. you see the other actor in the new actor's performance. That's the biggest issue here is I didn't see it at all.

Overall I rather enjoyed the movie. It has flaws sure but it was still pretty good.

Final Verdict: 74


  1. The movie looks boring, but I'm gonna watch to see if GD and Kim Soohyun are in it. lol


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