Movie Review 162: Terminator Genisys

Terminator: Genisys

Lets get this out of the way fast. if you've watched the trailers, you know all of this movie. the trailers reveal that the John Connor in the movie is a new, top of the line, Terminator. That is the single biggest twist in the movie. If that's not bad enough, look at the most recent posters.

That Guy in the middle, you know, the one covered in flames and looking a whole lot like John connor. Well it's john Connor. The Poster is telling you he's a terminator. THAT'S THE TWIST! They should never have changed the marketing.

Getting away from that, I might as well add a Spoiler tag. even though they do a great job spoiling it anyway.

I enjoyed this movie. It's convoluted and moronic but has enjoyable moments. It's fun to see Schwarzenegger back kicking ass. He does a surprisingly good job portraying the old Terminator. I enjoyed the 'old but not Obsolete' jokes and him starting to malfunction was interesting.

I only wonder, who sent him back? for that matter, who sent the liquid metal terminator back? it went to 1997 in T2, but in this it was in 1984...Why?

Anyway. The movie itself was a jumbled mess of storytelling. They randomly go from 1984 to 2017, just because for some reason they need to keep the movies going into the future.  It was one random plot twist after another, each one already spoiled or telegraphed early. I never felt any tension and ultimately got bored over the course of the movie.

The actors were fine. Arnie did fine as a character he almost seems tired of playing. Emilia Clarke proves even more that she's not much of an actress. she's been a weak point of Game of thrones so not much different here. at times she's a badass, then she turns around and ends up as a sad child for some scenes. I liked her repartee with Jai Courtney though. Courtney has always been one of those actors i've liked. He was pretty good in this. nothing amazing or outstanding, but decent nonetheless. Then there's Jason Clarke. Well, he's this installment's newest John Connor, and the only reason he's remotely interesting is because of the whole 'being a robot' thing.

As summer movies go, it's fine mindless fun. Just don't try to decipher the actual plot. Physics also completely fell apart over the course of the movie.  The Buss does a flip randomly at one point. and somehow humans survive massive explosions and all sorts of other stuff.

Unfortunately I  think this series is dead. It's had it's three strikes. time to hang it up.

Final Verdict: 33
