Movie Review 160: Jurassic World

Jurassic World

The first Jurassic Park is a masterpiece. a truly revolutionary picture that managed to seamlessly blend Animatronics and Computer generated Creatures together in a movie that still manages to hold up today. Stephen Spielberg knocked it out of the park with his Dinosaur flick. Twenty two years, and two middling sequels, later, we're invited to the next Dinosaur epic.

But is it good?

Well, Yes and no. On the one hand you have a talented cast, a seemingly talented director, special effects up the wazoo, the best director on the planet as a producer, and dinosaurs. What's not to love?

I'll start by saying I went into this with a bit less enthusiasm as I probably should have. Even so I had a Jurassic Park shirt on and have been humming the theme for a week or so now. Sitting down in the theatre I could feel the crowd anticipation around me. in a glorious 3D Imax screen, I'll get to that later. Sat through the Trailers, and Pretty cool Ant Man Teaser, Still fence riding on that.

Then it was movie time. While nostalgia made me excited, very quickly I realized this wasn't a Spielberg film. I don't quite know how to put it but Spielberg has a certain way of making every character interesting and making them all deeper and not just two dimensional.

Almost every character in this felt like a stereotype. The two boys (who I don't even remember the names of) were bland. the older one moped around through the whole thing, the younger one I enjoyed just because he showed the same enthusiasm for dinosaurs that we all had going into it. Bryce Dallas Howard was the stereotypical 'working businesswoman' who then becomes the stereotypical 'got to find my kids' woman, and ultimately needs to be saved by the man.

The supporting cast were all one note characters, the rich man who likes helicopters, the nerdy IT girl, the Nerdy IT guy in love with IT girl, the military man who wants to weaponize Velociraptors. All the tropes are here.

The only character I left the theatre interested in was Owen, Chris Pratt. He was fascinating, I loved how he was able to control the raptors. the whole 'alpha raptor' angle was fun and unique.

I liked the newly designed Jurassic World, even though it just felt like an advertisement for a new park in Disney World.  The gyrospheres were cool and overall it felt realistic that the park would evolve the way it did. But the park felt more flashy and futuristic compared to the original that actually felt realistic.

Other than a few little gripes with the end I liked the story, nothing we haven't seen a hundred times but it's a fun movie.

I'll sidetrack for a second and ask who gave this movie to Colin Trevorrow? He's done one movie, Safety Not Guaranteed. An indie about a guy wanting to go to the future.....that's it, theres very little else in it. Who gave him giant dinosaurs?

Moving on...The special effect are great, to be expected from a summer tentpole film. With blockbusters these days it's expected that there will be big CGI animals and explosions, and destruction, and paper thin characters. so the exact opposite of a Spielberg film.

all the way through this I could not believe how obvious the CG was to me. All the way through I could tell things were digital. It was meshed well with the world but the actual dinosaurs felt fake, whereas the original had a tangible realistic quality to it, this felt like liquid filled CGI entities that were being passed off as real. this drew me out of it on multiple points in the movie.

As always the 3D added nothing, at all. The biggest boon for the Imax showing was the amazing sound. it was great all the way through. much better than the constant explosions in Transformers and other tentpoles.

Overall I liked the movie, but it's just a pretty dumb movie. I've decided to not compare it to The original for my final scoring, since I know everyone else is going to compare it. It's a decent sequel but never hits the heights of the original.

Final Verdict: 67
