Review: Kung Fury

Kung Fury

I'll start off this review by saying this, I know this is a parody, and I know it's purposely Campy and unrealistic.

That being said this is one of those random internet shorts you go into expecting something awesome and just end up shrugging at. Kung Fury is a total mess. I wasn't expecting much from it, and I got even less than I expected.

At it's core it's a send up of 1980's action movies but ends up just a bunch of dumb jokes and one off plot threads that ultimately go nowhere.

I may be a bit of a film snob, I'll admit, I havent seen a good parody movie in this calibur for a very long time. This got the look and feel of 1980's down pretty well, but as they started adding the dinosaurs and the vikings, and all that it just kind of lost focus.

Also, wasn't Hitler supposed to be a super powerful Kung Fu Master? where did his fighting skill go?

Overall it's a dumb little short that you can watch for a laugh. I particularly liked the Triceracop joke. other than that it's nothing more than a wasted half hour. much like anything on Youtube nowadays.

Final Verdict: 62
