San Andreas
The disaster genre is by and large a pretty shrugworthy genre. You get the occasional good one but for the most part they all have the exact same premise. Likable guy, and his estranged family, have to reconnect as the world around them gets destroyed. Whether it's tornadoes/floods/ice ages, or Volcanoes/earthquakes/floods, or sharks/tornadoes, or Mother humpin asteroids. It always ends up with someone's father saving the day.
Well, yet again, San Andreas centers on a broken family. Dwayne, the rock, Johnson, Carla Gugino and Alaxandra Daddario. You can see the story beats playing out already can't you? Husband and wife are separated, the dick new boyfriend is a dick. daughter goes on a trip. disaster hits, forcing the parents to get back together, and then go rescue the daughter.
Yep, its the same story we get every time. Just throw in a disaster porn addict's wet dream and you have a movie!
Yet for some reason this one was much better than it should have been. Sure it's plot's paper thin but it was a very fun disaster flick. not going to win any oscars anytime soon but it's a good two hour romp.
The Rock, err, i mean Dwayne Johnson, (good luck ever not being the Rock) is continually proving to be a great leading man. he hits all the tropes in this one. He steals every scene he's in.
Alexandra Daddario is sure to have quite a future in front of her. And with eyes like that I'm almost certain she can see the future.
Let's be honest though. You go to this to see California get demolished and oh does it get demolished. The special effects department deserve every dollar this movie makes. they are masters of destruction.
I went into this expecting a mediocre disaster film and walked out actually rather pleased with it.
Final Verdict: 78
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