Movie Review 154: Mad Max Fury Road

Mad Max, Fury Road

I'll be honest, I don't remember much about the old Mad Max movies. I own them and I've seen them but they're not too exciting to me, I'd much rather take waterworld over the wasteland of Mad Max.

Yet, I walked out of Fury Road wanting more. I loved Mad Max Fury Road. It's one of those few movies that I was just in awe of all the way through.

I Have to stop and first compliment the Cinematography on this one. This movie has some of the single most inventive and breathtaking camera shots I have ever seen in a movie in a very long time. My particular favorite was the shot of Max getting up out of the sand after the Sandstorm, the slow shot that seems almost like a landscape shot was mesmerizing.

There has been a lot of criticism lately because Max is being overtrumped by Charlize Theron's Furiosa. Well honestly it's a good decision, she actually has a character and motivation. Max basically just grunts and violently motions to things. I mean Tom Hardy did a decent job, but overall Max was more of a set decoration than a leading man.

The Action scenes were some of the most impressive ones i have seen in an action movie in a very long time. I love the Idea of having a fight scene on moving vehicles. It's like a giant game of 'the floor is lava' I particularly liked the chase with the 'spikey cars' they are some of the coolest and most visually interesting contraptions i've seen on a film.

This whole movie was loaded with unique and inventive concepts, the warboys all looked cool, the production design and prop design was top notch, and the action was breathtaking. I loved it all.

Though i have to find some kind of negatives. First, it  was a bit abrupt to me that they had to go back to the citadel. But that's my only real gripe.

Final Verdict: 97
