Movie review 150: Insurgent

Hello all!

Another backlogged review for you!

Movie Review: Insurgent

I'll preface this by saying I rather enjoyed Divergent. It wasn't an amazing movie and it fell into many of the tropes of other Young adult films but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Insurgent is a bit better than Divergent. The movie is better paced and has some amazing visuals. It's critical flaw is its writing. some of the character motivations and overall story progression just make no sense.

So many times in this movie I found myself wondering why certain characters are doing certain things and even though the movie set up characters as a certain way they just randomly decide to change the personality to make for a 'better' movie. it was a bit frustrating.

Woodley was fine as Tris. Nowhere near the screen presence as Jennifer Lawrence in Hunger Games 1 and 2 (let's not mention 3....) but Woodley held her own in this. not going to win any awards but she was fine. Theo James was decent as Four, but he doesn't exactly have much of a range. Miles Teller was his normal likable villain, I enjoyed him quite a bit.

Jai Courtney to me was the stand out. The early scene of them invading the Amish colony made him look like a damn terminator. He was mesmerizing in that scene. if only he stayed like that the whole time.

The rest of the cast was fine. no real stand outs, even though there were tons of decent actors thrown in as the various faction leaders. 

One thing that really surprised me was the body count. there are so many point blank Executions that it almost bordered on overkill. It's refreshing to see a movie willing to literally kill half of it's main cast. 

I loved the simulations. they looked awesome. but other than that they were completely pointless. Basically the special effects companies had a fetish for particle explosions.

I'll be looking forward to allegiant but I'm not expecting much more than fun visuals.

Final Verdict: 73
Yet another Young adult movie.

Yay 150 Official movie reviews!!!!
