So here's the plan. I have 4 reviews to do tonight.
I've said id do them at various times over the last few weeks but I'm actually gonna sit down and do them tonight.
First up is the WWII Tank film Fury. I'll warn you ahead of time that there will be spoilers. So be warned.
Movie Review: Fury
I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed this movie. I loved the bleak, character driven focus of this movie. It's not often you get a movie based in a time period like World War Two, yet the movie is basically a character study of the five in a tank. It's a nice little bottle drama.
Brad Pitt was his usual best. Nothing we haven't seen before, but, he brought a very powerful presence. He's one of the most consistent actors in hollywood at the moment and he delivers yet again in this one.
The rest of the cast did a pretty decent job in their roles. Logan Lerrman was a stand out. Particularly in the scene with the two women. That scene was a nice little break from the death and destruction they were usually in.
Now the Action. Whew, it's a damn good action movie when they switched into that mode. it was exhilarating, especially at the end.
Unfortunately I could tell from the beginning how it would end up. I knew they would basically all die. and I was right. i just made me not try to connect to the characters as much as I'd normally want to.
Final Notes:
I can't think of many other negatives to this movie. I enjoyed it all the way through. I highly recommend it but warn you that this isn't an action movie. it's a drama set in a war.
Final Verdict: 85
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