Movie Review 143: Kingsman, The Secret Service


Welcome back. Foregoing the usual chitter chatter at the beginning of these reviews I'm going to jump right into it.

This review is full of spoilers, so don't read ahead if you don't want it spoiled.

You've been warned.

Damn it's cold out.

Movie Review: Kingsman, The Secret Service

I love British films like this. I have wildly heralded the genius of British directors and Matthew Vaughn is becoming another one I really enjoy. This movie was brilliant all the way through. It felt like an old school James Bond film with humor and sleek visuals.

The various fight scenes were impeccably shot. a lot of them with weird trippy camera tricks that somehow helped the odd nature of the fight and not hindered it like Shaky cam or fast edits. the Church fight scene was absolutely insane and all the way through i was laughing in delight at how unbelievable it was. To think that scene was shot in only one take, how is that possible?

I enjoyed the fact that the story didn't follow the cliche's on Hollywood. Shooting Colin Firth in the head was a completely unexpected twist I didn't see coming. But it propelled the movie forward so it was a completely justifiable scene.

This is one of those weird ones where I couldn't find a whole lot of cons. The whole Spy Kids feel to some of it was a little bland but then the movie completely made up for them later. the girl Kingsman basically just went up in a balloon and fired a rocket.

Overall It just missed the mark near the end of the movie. I wanted Valentine to at least partially succeed but ultimately no big differences to the world happened. just imagine if it ended as a brand new world order in a sequel. like a billion people dead. imagine the ramifications!

but alas. no beans.

Final Thoughts:
I really liked this movie. it didn't take itself seriously and it was insanely fun. I highly recommend it!

Final Verdict: 93

now to warm up and watch another movie!
