Movie Review 138: The Imitation Game


So Christmas has come and gone. with it brings many gifts and family time and of course, Oscar Movies.

I saw Nightcrawler a few weeks ago. Now I just walked out of The Imitation Game. The Benedict Cumberbatch Enigma movie.

Anyway I might as well get to the review. Look for a few more posts in the next few days. Prepare for a few 'top of the year' lists coming up.

Review Time!

Movie Review: The Imitation Game

It's very hard to not instantly praise Cumberbatch for the performance. So I won't. Instead I'll praise the writing first. I was fascinated by the way the movie unfolded. Yeah there were some cliche moments like the 'If you fire him you'll have to fire me' scene. Yet I loved this all the way through. Going into it I was a bit wary of my sleepiness, but I stayed completely awake all the way through.

It was really interesting to see London during world war 2. That's always one of those times in history that intrigues me. I mean how often do we get to see a big city like that in the middle of an actual war. It's mindblowing to think that it was just bombed like that. Seeing the people sitting in the Tube as the bombs hit was an extremely powerful concept.

I was surprised to see the three different storylines unfolding. I love when movies have multiple storylines and this one used it quite well to fully explore Turing's life and personality. The Homosexual Storyline was handled surprisingly well and It never felt like a 'gay person' attention plea like so many films are lately.

The Cast did a pretty good job all around. Keira knightley kind of played the same character she usually does. she's a good actress but so often she has very similar roles. this time wasn't much different. I'll give her credit for having some of the best scenes with Cumberbatch though.

Finally I have to talk about Cumberbatch. He is a phenomenal actor and I always enjoy his performances. The only thing I've noticed lately is he always plays the same variation on Sherlock. this one was basically Sherlock with a stutter and a slightly different posture. I mean he did a phenomenal job and I think he deserves a nomination but he's being typecast like hell these days. At least he got to be a little different in Hobbit.

Overall I really liked this movie. It's one I'm sure I'll forget in a few months but it's a pretty solid Oscar Bait movie.

Final Verdict: 87
Great story and performances, most likely forgettable
