Movie Review: Land Ho!

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I'm sitting in Harvest, eating some tacos waiting for the next movie to start. But before then, time to review the buddy comedy Still Life

Next Up: 5 to 7
Then: I Won't Come Back

Movie Review: Land Ho!

This film is a lot of fun, the two leads were great together. It honestly felt like two old friends on a road trip. I could watch them just riffing for hours. Which is kinda just the whole movie

Mitch was a scene stealer in every scene he was in.

The other big stand out is Iceland. It's beautiful moors and vistas. The whole thing was beautiful to watch and overall it was a whole lot of fun.

The movie really had no plot. It was two guys on a trip, that's it. It meandered around over the course of their trip and never quite went anywhere. I've seen this style done other times. And even though the movie was good it still seemed directionless and pointless at times.

Final Notes:
I really enjoyed the comradery between the two leads and the friendship between the two girls. The chemistry was great

The movie felt like a octogenarian version of the Trip from a few years ago. Coogan and brydon were very similar to these two, both films were lots of fun


Now I'm in the theatre waiting for 5 to 7, here we go!
