So the Film Festival starts in less than a week. so I've been slowly ramping myself up to the marathon of movies.
I figured I could go see one Blockbuster before I go. Lucy it was.
I'll warn you now, there are spoilers in this review. beware!
I love any movie that uses Telekinesis as a plot device. it's one of my favorite abilities I've ever seen. and the one I'd personally pick if i had a choice.
Other than that I really only loved one scene. The chase scene through Paris. I love the fact that it was basically just a car driving while everyone else crashes. it made for a pretty fun little roller coaster ride.
The whole rest of the film had huge gaping flaws.
First off all the actors felt like they were hastily reciting half remembered lines. Especially Scarlett Johansson and Morgan freeman. They felt like they were reading off of cue cards just off screen. it was unnerving when I know they have lots of talent yet it felt completely wasted. except in the opening few scenes where Scarlett actually had some pretty good moments.
The actual premise was fine for a bit but it all started falling apart way too early. The 10% concept is fine, but once you immediately become the smartest person on the planet you kinda lose and sense of humanity and urgency. Lucy went from being a realistic human to a robot with telepathy (but has to use technology to speak) and a telekine within like 20 minutes.
Then from there she becomes a shapeshifter then a cloud of dust. where she has to guzzle Blue Meth in an airplane bathroom. The visual was cool but it felt sudden and completely nonsensical. The same effect is never seen again, and from then on out she's basically a human supercomputer.
This all begs the question of how the Wonderdrug (Thank god we invented the whatever device) works. it's from a naturally occurring mother's gene? Really? Alright. I'll buy that. so, has this ever been used before? has no one ever injected it? I mean junkies do stupid crap, why wouldn't they inject this new wonder drug at least once. Lucy can't be the first person ever.
So this all brings me to the finale. What the hell? So she gets a huge Blue Juice hit and finally hits 100%. she basically learns everything that ever happens anywhere in history. That's it, then turns into a supercomputer, and a plastic looking doll. then she disappears (conveniently right when the lone badguy is about to shoot her) and turns into a USB drive. Yep. She becomes a Flashdrive. a omnipotent flash drive.
Final Notes:
I really like the idea of this movie but it's just such a wasted opportunity. His could have ended so much better but it just gets muddled in it's own plot. when you have a heroine who never needs to do anything theres no reason to even have her there.
Final Verdict: 28
Great Idea, bad movie
Now to Pack for the trip, and get ready for my yearly movie Marathon!
So the Film Festival starts in less than a week. so I've been slowly ramping myself up to the marathon of movies.
I figured I could go see one Blockbuster before I go. Lucy it was.
I'll warn you now, there are spoilers in this review. beware!
Movie Review: Lucy
I love any movie that uses Telekinesis as a plot device. it's one of my favorite abilities I've ever seen. and the one I'd personally pick if i had a choice.
Other than that I really only loved one scene. The chase scene through Paris. I love the fact that it was basically just a car driving while everyone else crashes. it made for a pretty fun little roller coaster ride.
The whole rest of the film had huge gaping flaws.
First off all the actors felt like they were hastily reciting half remembered lines. Especially Scarlett Johansson and Morgan freeman. They felt like they were reading off of cue cards just off screen. it was unnerving when I know they have lots of talent yet it felt completely wasted. except in the opening few scenes where Scarlett actually had some pretty good moments.
The actual premise was fine for a bit but it all started falling apart way too early. The 10% concept is fine, but once you immediately become the smartest person on the planet you kinda lose and sense of humanity and urgency. Lucy went from being a realistic human to a robot with telepathy (but has to use technology to speak) and a telekine within like 20 minutes.
Then from there she becomes a shapeshifter then a cloud of dust. where she has to guzzle Blue Meth in an airplane bathroom. The visual was cool but it felt sudden and completely nonsensical. The same effect is never seen again, and from then on out she's basically a human supercomputer.
This all begs the question of how the Wonderdrug (Thank god we invented the whatever device) works. it's from a naturally occurring mother's gene? Really? Alright. I'll buy that. so, has this ever been used before? has no one ever injected it? I mean junkies do stupid crap, why wouldn't they inject this new wonder drug at least once. Lucy can't be the first person ever.
So this all brings me to the finale. What the hell? So she gets a huge Blue Juice hit and finally hits 100%. she basically learns everything that ever happens anywhere in history. That's it, then turns into a supercomputer, and a plastic looking doll. then she disappears (conveniently right when the lone badguy is about to shoot her) and turns into a USB drive. Yep. She becomes a Flashdrive. a omnipotent flash drive.
Final Notes:
I really like the idea of this movie but it's just such a wasted opportunity. His could have ended so much better but it just gets muddled in it's own plot. when you have a heroine who never needs to do anything theres no reason to even have her there.
Final Verdict: 28
Great Idea, bad movie
Now to Pack for the trip, and get ready for my yearly movie Marathon!
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