TV Season Review: Orange Is the New Black, Season 2

Hello again,

Welcome back to the wondrous blog, that no-one reads! (if you read this leave a comment below, or just comment on the link I put wherever.

Anyway, Welcome back, I just finished up Season 2 of Orange is the New Black. It's kinda like the L word meets Oz, or Prisonbreak. I miss prisonbreak.

Anyway This season is full of storylines, and this review is full of critiques to those storylines, especially the endings, so beware of spoilers!

Theres also a few hat spoil the end of season 1, so prepare for plenty of spoilerific goodness!

TV Season Review:
Orange is the New Black
Season 2

I have to admit, for most of the first season I really didn't like Piper, she wasn't an interesting enough character. she was surrounded by plenty of more interesting characters but we get stuck following the wallflower. Season two mostly fixes this, she's still the main character, and she's still very much just a wallflower but the writers this season give her a lot to do. Taylor Schilling blew me away this season. Most notably in the first episode when she's recounting the events with pennsatucky to the Woman on the plane. She was absolutely perfect. unfortunately this was her high point. sure she has a few other points, like when she realized her grandma died or the very well acted scene with Jason biggs while on furlow. I wish they'd make her character a bit more dimensional but I do enjoy her turning badass.

The other standout this season was Kate Mulgrew as Red. She was great in the first season but this season she got to truly show herself. Vulnerability, anger, fear, everything, she's easily my favorite character on the show, I'm curious where she's heading in future seasons.

Otherwise I kind of liked the couple new additions, Lorraine Toussaint as Vee was a really good 'slow burn' type of villain, I was intrigued by her storyline at first but then just found myself not caring after a while. and Kimiko Glenn as Soso was good, a nice different character, but she just felt too naive and she usually threw off the scenes she tried to control.

The rest of the Cast was fine, no real stand outs this time around. Except perhaps maybe Barbara Rosenblat as Rosa. I found myself really liking her little scenes with Cancer boy (Where the hell did you get cancer boy?) and the fact that she was the one to finally end Vee made me happy.

I enjoyed Rosa's storyline, and Red's stuff. But I found myself totally bored with the Black Vs. Spanish war then Black Vs Russian war. I mean, Yeah, Y'all have different Races, big deal. I felt like the new characters were brought in just to add racial tensions. And the Whole Poussey/Taystee Relationship was boring after a bit, theres only so long you can string that along.

I also was a bit annoyed by the Larry/Polly relationship. It was all so cliche.

Also, Where did the 'Lets let Morello randomly stalk her ex' scene come from? I liked the twist of her obsessing over a one night stand guy, but to have her actually go to his house and all that felt overkillish.

Does netflix have a lesbian quota in this? or is just every single person in the show Gay or lesbian? even Fig's husband?

Final Notes:
Overall I enjoyed the season, and there were definite High points, but I wasn't as impressed this season as I was last season. last season had more strife and threat, this one felt like fun in Jain with Lesbians.

Final Verdict: 72

So now to get some shuteye!
