Gamertags and Steamings!


In a further attempt to continue my creative and active streak, i figure it's a good time to randomly post about gaming!

I love gaming. not in a 'I wanna bang my Xbox' Type of way. That'd give me red ring, which sounds oddly like an STD. Ew

No i love gaming, it lets me interact with the characters and follow my own weird and completely useless story! like a Choose your own adventure novel!...where I end up dying horribly over and over.

I've been gaming for about 15 years now. It started with games like Sims and Everquest and Age of empires. There were also points where I religiously played Pokemon, and Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Halo. You know, the same that everyone else did.

Since then I've changed to games like Skyrim and Fallout, with offshoots in every Zombie series on the market. Dead rising, Left 4 Dead, COD Zombies, Dead island, State of Decay, Onechanbara (I'm not proud), Dead Space, Lollipop Chainsaw, and even Minecraft.

Now, i'm really just posting this as an excuse to throw out both my Steam Name  and Xbox Gamertag.

So for all Y'all crazy people on the internet, Gimme an add

Xbox Live - Mnc2scty777
Steam - Mnc2scty222

So I should probably explain those names. It goes all the way back to about 2002. I was on a hockey team called Menace. we went undefeated throughout the season and won the championship. we nicknamed ourself the 'Menace to Society' So I naturally made my first AOL Screenname 'Menace2Society'. It was taken, so they suggested Mnc2Scty.  well turns out that was taken so I had to take Mnc2Scty222...Okey Doke, sounds lame, but it's there...

so cut to a few years later I was making a Gamertag, so Mnc2Scty222 got upconverted to Mnc2scty777 (7 Being my Hockey Number) my steam account somehow retained the 222, for whatever reason. shrug.

so that's the not so storied past of my Gamertag!

Now for anyone interested in adding me on xbox I've been playing a lot of Black Ops 2 zombies and Grand theft auto 5. But i'd love to play Beautiful Katamari or any other random game!

If you add me attach a message saying it's from the blog, just sos I know who you are.
