TV Season Review: Sherlock, Season 3

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I just finished off Season 3 of Sherlock. I'll admit, I downloaded it. But before someone decides to sue me, I will be buying it on Blu-ray when it's available here in America. 

I will say right up front that there are only 3 episodes. (hour and a half each) so it's more like 3 movies. 

Also, There will be spoilers. Because some might consider things from episode 1 as Spoilers. I'll also be referencing all three episodes so Yes, Spoilers within.

Sherlock: Series 3

The three Storylines in season 3, The Empty Hearse, The Sign of Three, and His Last Vow, are significantly weaker than the other seasons. 

The Empty Hearse, This episode had some fun scenes. I loved the multiple stabs at the Fandom. the Fan girl's explanation and the various other 4th wall breaking moments. overall the actual story felt rushed and not as well assembled as previous seasons. it felt more like a giant tribute to it's own popularity and less of a stand alone episode.

The Sign of Three: this one was the worst of the season. It started fun, with Sherlock analyzing people at the wedding. then it drags for about an hour. with long awkward pauses and seemingly unconnected flashbacks that just happened to connect at the end. But that ending. Him analyzing who the assassination target was was a great scene. though very predictable. 

His Last Vow: The Best of the Season, to me. It never felt like fanservice, nor did it ever drag. the reveals late in the episode were good and I really liked the last stinger. even if it feels like a step back a bit.

Sherlock and Watson are as fun as ever, every episode had enough bromance to please the fangirls, but it lacked them solving clues. that's what made the first and second seasons so good. it wasn't about the characters interacting just to interact it was them working together to solve something. 

Sherlock seemed dumbed down a bit this season. he ended up in more awkward situations than anything else. I like him being confident and deducing a situation. instead he has to give a speech. I feel like the writers decided to dumb down the show a bit for their fandom of rabid girls.

Watson was ok, my favorite this season. I liked him dealing with Sherlock's death, then through his wedding, and the reveal who his wife is. I really like his arcs in this season. But I like when he is partnered with Sherlock, instead of off with Mary. I dont really like Mary as a character, and her late reveal in episode 3 felt gimmicky.

Obviously I have some issues with this season. And most of all it felt like a new show. after some research I found out that this season had a different director. I could tell from the use of popup images and the build of the different mind Palaces. I liked some of the popups but some of them just felt cheap, not to the same quality of the first couple seasons. 

Final Notes:
The show is still pretty good, but without the threat of a central badguy like Moriarty this season just felt like 'john watson gets married, and sherlock might be gay, also, we like fangirls' it felt like an intermediary season between last years amazing season and whatever next years ends up being. if the end sting becomes an actual thing I hope they realize that Sherlock verse another genius is a great set up instead of having whole episodes revolving around a small event like a wedding.

Empty Hearse: 83
The Sign of Three: 60
His Last Vow: 89

Well, theres my review, let me know what you think of the season when it eventually comes out.
