Ohayocon Wrapup!


Yes yes I know I should stop using that as a greeting all the time, but oh well, it fits the situation,

Anyway I just got back from Ohayocon 2014! First time ever going to it and only my 3rd big convention!

Youmacon 2012
Youmacon 2013
Ohayocon 2014!

Overall I had quite a bit of fun. Just like youma I never actually went to any panels. I more enjoy just walking around seeing cosplays and stuff like that. I'll get into those in a second.

before then I'll tackle a few of the things I see people bitching about in the forums and groups.

1. Wristbands. I like the wristbands! they make getting into the dealers room and the raves much easier. I never did a panel so maybe those were more of an issue, but as far as my experience goes I had no issue at all. It's still on my arm because I can't just slide it off nor do I want to cut it off, i'm sentimental. so I've been pondering ways to get it off.

Has anyone ever read Gerald's Game by Stephen King?

Also I wish I had put it on my right arm. I already have an UP band on my left arm (like a Fit Bit but not skin irritating)

2. Panel fullness. didnt go, got stopped by bored people in lines. can't complain

3. Weather. I like snow, it's pretty! cold...but pretty! and after all the doomsaying about 3-8 inches of snow on the way back I can honestly say I was never hit by a single snowflake, I think overreactions were well, overreactions.

4. Crowded Dealer's room. Hey this did actually effect me! Personally I didnt mind so much, but stopping to take pictures in crowds was frustrating. I liked the Dealer room location, it was a pretty cool area, and I really liked how the artist alley looked down on it, it was a cool set up, just wish I had a bit more money to buy stuffs. (that'll be in the next update)

so now onto Cosplay!

I saw some really cool cosplays, a whole lot of the anime ones went right over my head but, they still looked Damn cool.

On thursday I started it out rather Obscure. Cosplayed Johan Liebert from Monster. No-one actually recognized me, which is a little depressing but, whatever I wasnt expecting anyone to.

anyway, I walked around as him for a few hours, basically incognito. then decided I needed to Horrible it up. So I walked back to the hotel to switch into Dr horrible.

I'll get to that later.

Saturday Morning I met up with a friend, and her entourage. (Hi Emily!) I cosplayed Gary Oak. You know, from the Pokemons? yeah. The necklace broke so I didnt wear that, and I didnt have a ball, so darn. We were going to make a music video but I think we both just ended up too tired and lazy, laziness sucks huh?

Also the Cold weather literally sapped the life out of my Go Pro, my Stereo, my Laptop, and my Ipod so none of them were working, argh!!!! luckily I saved my T3i and was able to take a few shots, unfortunately I didnt take many. Dr Horrible don't use no Camera!

So after the Gary Oaking I changed into Dr Horrible, again! The amount of pictures for the rest of the day was insane, well into the triple digits, plus more hugs and compliments than I have ever got in my life. I also got a penny! I ran into the girl who gave it to me the next day too. that was cool.

Sunday was pretty laid back. Dr Horrible again, no gloves, no super warm shirt, I liked just being able to hang out and basically dick around. Randomly dancing and singing with people. I was basically a Deadpool in a long white robe.

So all in all the Con was pretty fun, Got basically no sleep the whole weekend. (Meg snores) but it was cool just hanging out with the group.

I'll post a more formal picture post a little later in the day and perhaps a Youtube update as well! but for now, I need to take down my Xmas tree. cuz its been over a month....yep


  1. Man I would have loved to get a picture with Johan! Monster is one of my favorite anime. Funny thing is that I got a picture with you as Dr Horrible LOL Too bad my friends camera SUCKED: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152579858014278&set=a.10202296139676863&type=3&theater

    1. I completely forgot to get any pics of Johan, argh!

      and yay another picture!

      Maybe I'll do a few photoshoots of Johan (and gary oak, I got no pics of me as him either, oops)


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