
Hello Everyone

So yesterday was quite a shock. I ended up getting over 1.300 views. that's about three times the next highest day ever. so, that was astounding. thanks to whoever +1'd me. helped a lot

So i'm currently working on a few different TV shows. those reviews will be out soonish. also a couple anime's will be done. including One Piece. look for one piece themed Top 10's coming up soon. Movies are allways around but I havent gone to see any lately but when I do you'll know.

alright, so I've spent the last 3 hours fiddling with my phone and redoing all of my Ringtones because my phone's an ass. so I figured I'd do a list of the songs I have as ring tones, just because! I'll add sound bites too!

So after much random searching, I can't find a site that is just audio, so you're getting the benefit of Music Videos! this is gonna be a huge list.

My Ringtones!

Aint No Rest for the Wicked
First heard the song in Borderlands, then went to a concert and fell in love with Cage the elephant. second and third albums havent hit me as hard though. ringtone is during the first chorus

Bad Romance
Really? lady Gaga? Yeah, i made this cause a friend loved this song, should probably take it off

Beyond the Wasteland
This is just a damn cool ringtone, had it as my main for a very long time

Brand new Day
My favorite song from Doctor horrible. up there with Slipping. this just has a louder start so I used it.

Breaking Bad Theme
It's breaking Bad, nuff' said

Damned (COD Zombies)
yeah Yeah, I know, COD sucks, but I like zombies mode, Sue me

Death to all Hipsters
A fast badass version of The opening theme. and...Scott Pilgrim!

it's a quiet tone, so I dont use it often. but I love the theme

Dr Who (old)
Just added it, havent assigned anyone for it yet.

Dr Who (new)
Just the new version after Matt Smith took over

Du Hast
First heard it back in a LAN party in Junior High. damn, over 10 years ago.

El Pendulo de la muerte
This is from the Show Kooza by Cirque Du Soleil, tried finding a better version with actual performance, but i cant find any, so crappy blue flames it is.

End Credits (supernatural)
well, It's supernatural, what else is needed?

Every Day is exactly the same
From Wanted. One of two songs from it.

Falling Slowly
Quite possibly my favorite song i've ever heard.

The Immigrant song (from Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)
Not the Zeppelin Version, and not the Swedish Version

Hey Beautiful
Theme to How I met your Mother. Couple friends have it linked to them

I have the Attack sound as mine. mostly when annoying people text me

Brand new addition, Worlds End!

Mad Moxxi Boss
I Like Moxxi

Mad Moxxi
Moxxi has moxxi

I also had the sherlock Theme, but it disappeared on me.

Maki Ya
My alarm clock in the morning, it's insanely loud.

O Saya
Jai Ho was on here too, again, disappeared

Our Truth
Quiet but awesome. first heard on guitar hero.

Awesome Music video, and catchy song.

Put the Pint Down
My favorite piece of Score all year.

Red Light
This one's different, It's a sound byte from a song that Emily (the singer) sent me like 8 years ago. and since I cant find the video any more, I figure I'll post my favorite song by her band Atrium instead. Hi Emmy!

Snow (Hey oh)
Not really sure why this is on here...

The Grind
Wow, he totally bailed

The Hill
I Cant find a good video of this anywhere! ARGH!

The Little Things
One direction did a song called little things? haha, penis joke. but not...this is from Wanted, and it's, totally Badass

The Office
Used to be my Alarm, it's subtler than Maki Ya

The Quidditch World Cup
Starts at the bulgarian intro

This Corrosion
Oh yeah, Epic Chanting and 80's music

No Idea what the picture is of. but this is my New Email sound.

United States of Whatever
Yeah, not the official Video, but Mishy is cool so I figured I'd use this

Universal theme
This gave me shivers in the theatre the moment i heard it.

Muse = awesome

Welcome home
I actually have 2 different tones from different parts of the song. 

When they come for me
The only Linkin park on the list. just thought it sounded cool coming out of a phone

So that's done, not sure why I wasted your time with that, now get back onto your lives. I'll work on another top 10 something or other.
