Top 10 Comic Book/Graphic Novel Movies

Hello again!

It's been a few days since I posted something on here. I've been busy making two pairs of Mechanical Wings for a Friend's Cosplay for Youmacon, just over a week away, whew, Crunch time

I'm also painting a Revolver for a Supernatural Cosplay. so I've been busy playing with tools and paint.

As for myself, I have Dr. Horrible and Andrew (from Chronicle) all set to go. Nuada is still in development, should be done by the Con, hopefully.

Anyway i'm taking a little break from the painting and sanding. so I figured I'd do another top 10 List!

Top 10 Comic book movies? maybe comic book and graphic novel movies? yeah, that'll work!


10. 300
300 is a movie I haven't watched for a year and a half, but it's left a huge impression on me since it came out. March 9th 2007. saw it two days in a row when it came out. and yeah, i love the film. It's a very Brutal and visually astounding film. The slow motion with quick ramps worked perfectly. It put Zach Snyder on my radar.

9. Iron man
2008 was the year of Iron man vs. the Dark Knight. almost everybody jumped on the Batman Bandwagon. I didn't I liked the other Genius billionaire playboy Philanthropist. Iron Man is a better character. Bruce Wayne growls and grimaces, Tony stark is sarcastic and badass. I like the Iron man series a whole lot better than the Dark Knight series. Am I saying it's a better movie series? No, but which do i enjoy more? Iron Man

8. Watchmen
Hey, Zach Snyder again! As a graphic novel to Movie adaptation goes, you can't get much better than Watchmen. (see number 3) Watchmen isn't the easiest movie to watch and has been rather divisive as far as it's fans go. sure there wasn't a giant monster at the end, but for those who didnt read the comic, do you really care? I thought the film was great. amazing visuals and very cool characters. How about that Rorschach? But there is a lot of violence, and Smurf penises. So I get why some people hate it.

7. Wanted
Ah Timur Bekmambetov. after making the awesome Nightwatch Series. (make Twilightwatch dammit) He graced us with his first US Movie, Wanted. I loved this film. I wanted to start slinging bullets. Twisted Physics and crazy action scenes plus a few insane kills made this an amazing Film experience.

6. Dredd
Another Brutal movie. the 2012 Remake of Dredd was amazing. the Slo-mo sequences actually felt motivated, what with the drug slowing down the brains perception of time, and that made these sequences all the more beautiful. At the same time making them gory as hell. A bullet going through someone's face in slow motion just never gets old. The colors, the tone, the visuals, they were all awesome. Even if the story was practically just The Raid.

5. X2 X-Men United
The only X-Men movie I really love. It was a great balance of Freaks and story. it had barely any non-important toy characters. I know many people loved First class, but really? are 90% of those characters remotely important? Who's the Butterfly girl? Darwin? and Banshee is a bitch. anyway, X2 was amazing. and Nightcrawler was fantastic!

4. Avengers
The best balance of ensemble superheroes I've ever seen. four Big heroes all fighting for screen time, but it feels like a perfect balance all around. Joss Whedon did a perfect job handling the characters, and adding in tons of small references to the Marvel universe. Hopefuly Age of Ultron will live up to the same Standard.

3. Sin City
So, Just how brutal can you go? Well, Sin City is about the highest you can go. That being said, it is one of the few movies that Perfectly translate its source material to the big screen. Every frame is perfectly captured and it shows what can be made with completely Green screen environments. Jessica Alba as a stripper doesnt hurt. Oh, and Marv is a badass

2. Hellboy II: The Golden Army
If anyone has read my blog before you'll know that I love Nuada as a villain. He's easily one of the most driven and unflinching villains of modern cinema. To me he is the best part of the movie. That being said, Hellboy 2 is an amazing movie otherwise. From the astounding animatronics on Wink (100% Real, no CGI) or on Krauss. Or the Makeup on Abe and Every single thing in the Troll Market, the movie is amazing. It's consistently been in my top films of all time and I'm Eagerly waiting for Hellboy 3.

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World
Why did no one see this movie? It's awesome! Now Yes, it stars Michael Cera, and many people hate Michael Cera, for some reason. But this is the single most awesome movie I've ever seen. It's been my number one movie of all time since I first saw it. Edgar Wright Knocked it out of the Park with the Best Paced movie i've ever seen. The movie starts and never really lets up, it's brilliant from start to finish. and it's also the movie I quote the most.

...And bread makes you fat.

 - Honorable Mentions -
The Dark Knight
 - Brilliant Movie and Great acting by Heath Ledger. One of the best made Comic book movies, but I don't have the Huge fanboy orgasms over it that so many others do. also, nolanites are kinda assholes.

V For Vendetta
 - Blew me away the First time I saw it, But it gets a bit too wordy for it's own good

 - One of my Favorites of this year, but not in my top 10

 - The first is great fun, but could have been better

 - I Love Kroenen. But ultimately I just love Nuada more.

So there you have it, Top 10 Comic book, and graphic novel, Movies!
