Movie Review 39: Gravity

Welcome back!

Sorry about the lack of updates over the last few days, i've been distracted for a little bit. Posted a couple Vlogs on Youtube on Wednesday and Thursday, and haven't sat down and watched a movie for a few days. started up Pom Poko Thursday night but was too tired to finish it.

But, I'm here to say that I just saw the single most astounding movie I have ever seen. I am not overstating that. This movie is the Best Sci Fi movie I have ever seen. 

This movie, is Gravity


Everything. The writing, the acting, the Effects, the cinematography, the pacing, the editing, the tone, the way the story plays out, everything. Gravity Brought together everything for one of the best movie experiences I have ever had.

Alfonso Cuaron has been one of my favorite directors since Harry Potter 3 and Children of men, and when I heard he was doing a space movie I thought he lost it. But I sat in awe all the way through the movie, The destruction of the Hubble at the beginning made me just stare at the screen, mouth open.

From the beginning of the movie all the way up to when Bullock drifts off into the distance was all one single continuous shot. (im sure it wasn't really, but there were no cuts in there). I was amazed by the camera work, and the zero gravity environments, none of them felt fake, and somehow they all flowed together.

I've never been a Sandra Bullock fan, but I can see her getting an oscar for this role. she was totally engrossing as Ryan Stone. and George clooney was a good foil for her scared and panicky rookie.

I left the movie with a feeling of helplessly floating. and i still feel like im floating. like when you see a movie about a sailboat and feel seasick....but I feel that im floating around completely randomly, I like it.

I cannot express enough, this is one of the best movies ever made. go see it....see it

The movie is a bit short. it doesnt feel it, but its about 90 minutes long. I'd like to see a little more.

A Perfect Movie. There is nothing I can say that can express my love for this movie enough.

So, yeah, This is now my favorite movie of the year.

I went to see 30 Seconds to Mars last night, I'll post about that when im not hurrying to a friends house. Subscribe to this and my New Youtube Channel. 
