Movie Reivew 49: R.I.P.D.

Welcome Back everyone!

Yeah, i Know I know, it's been a while, but I've been really busy making props and costumes for Youmacon, starting on thursday! I'll have a formal Youmacon Post tomorrow, kinda road mapping out my days, and i'll be updating from the convention and I'll be taking tons of pictures throughout, so subscribe to stay up to date on that.

But you didn't come here to read about that. You came here to read my Review of RI.P.D.!

R.I.P.D. is basically Dead Like Me Mixed with Men in Black. let's get to the review


Right off the bat, I'll say I went into this with Very low Expectations It has like a 5% on Rotten tomatoes. So I went into it expecting to absolutely hate it.

I was wrong.

I actually really enjoyed it. It reminded me of a faster paced Men in Black. Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges were fun, Particularly Bridges spouting out weird random Cowboy jargon. Mary Louise Parker was fun as the Proctor, and I enjoyed The Officer Avatars, even though I don't find the woman all that attractive.

The overall story wasn't much but It was fun. the movie never took itself too seriously and that was a pretty good bonus. most movie like this fail because of that, like Van Helsing a few years ago.

I really liked the Camera work throughout the movie, it was a weird style, like they combined tons of shots together so we got long moving camera shots. Gave it a cool level of polish.

It was very short.

And the CGI was very bad. it felt at least 3 or 4 years old. the Deado's were very cartoony. that being said they fit the tone of the movie. and there are some iffy things, like obviously fake cars falling from a car park and similar poorly done effects.

Another effect that really didnt work were all of the ones inside the RIPD. the infinite file cabinet room looked like a video game from a few years ago.

It felt very much like a Men in Black installment, just between heaven and hell instead of Aliens. I liked the concept and feel of the movie. more so that a lot of Men in black's style.

Fun Movie, but horrible CGI

So anyway, Onto Prepare for Youmacon! Expect tons and tons of Pictures!
