TV Series Review: Under the Dome, Season 1

Finally, It's over!

So for those of you who follow me (still none, grr) but I've been bitching about this show. It's name is Under the Dome.

Before I get to the review I'll give you a few reasons why I've stayed with this show all the way through.

First off, I absolutely Loved the book, It's one of my Favorite books of all time. It was a brilliant Character drama. it felt claustrophobic and had plenty of long term storylines that allways felt like they were building to something. but, being a Stephen King book, the ending was a bit of a let down, it felt like he was told to wrap it up after 1100 pages.

When I heard that Stephen Spielberg was developing a tv show i was so Excited. One of my favorite books and one of the best, if not the best, director's in history adapting it. I went into the Pilot with Huge expectations. I also went in thinking it was going to be a Miniseries based on the Plot of the book.

I was wrong.

So, time to start the Review. I've decided to go episode by Episode and point out what I liked and what I disliked about each one. I have no idea how long thisll take, but i'm doing it justice.

TV SEASON REVIEW: Under the Dome, Season 1

Episode 1: Pilot
I'll be honest, I kinda liked the Pilot. It wasn't amazing but it was decent, I had some issues with the Character changes and such, like adding the Lesbian couple, and making one of them one of the big characters from the book was an odd choice.

They also decided Barbie, the main character in the book, was now an outsider and a drifter with no allegiance to the town (remember this, they make a point that he doesn't know anyone in town)

I'll dig into the issues I have with the actors as they pop up, most notable will be Norrie (the annoying Emo girl going to Summer camp, (if you forgot she was going to camp, you're not alone, so did the writers) and Angie, who always does the same run in every action scene, what little amount there are, and she's basically in there for some sex appeal in the beginning then realize she's supposed to be like 14 so they stopped that, way to go.

So, starting the episode.

So the 4th scene has A rather surprising sex scene between junior and Angie, the best chemistry they have for the whole season.

Why do they send all of their firefighters out of the town, and oh, Linda's husband goes with them, remember him, he'll play a huge role in later episodes...I swear, he will end up so important.

Ok, so the dome comes down, I actually rather like these scenes, the dome Chunking into the ground was cool and the effect was decently well done. The cow being cut in half was a decent effect but, wouldn't there be blood on the dome? they establish later that blood stays there when Coggins dies, but a dissected cow leaves no blood at all? a little lazy

Out of all of the places the Plane could have hit the dome it hits directly above Barbie and Joe (who was my favorite character in the book) yet joe, who's supposedly smart just stares at it, um, why? Ok, sure, it was a decent effect, and the bloody arm made the show seem like it could be pretty dark and intense. (boy was I wrong)

So Now for Norrie, alice and Carolyn, They start as Annoying, and only stay that way, My dad said 'I hope they hit the dome' after about 5 minutes...yeah

The semi hitting the dome was a well done effect, I'd love them to do more Dome related effects like these.........

And the first Seizure, makes a hell of a lot of sense why she had it right then, there was a catalyst somewhere oh well

So the Joe and Angie are brother and sister, and their parents are outside the dome. they dont come on Visitors day later, Lazy.

So Barbie and Julia have known each other for less than an hour and she's inviting him in to stay even though she's a married woman. wow, little skanky huh?

So, the dome came down like an hour ago, and some how the woman who lost her hand waits an hour to bleed out? alright I guess.

JUNIOR KILLED ANGIE? Really? awesome they'll keep the great semi necrophilia storyline!

Oh, never mind, she's locked in a hatch, inside a dome....this is gonna be an amazing storyline

and duke's dead, ok, not bad, that was lucky timing, just as he was going to tell Linda about a big conspiracy in the city, it's ok Duke, she wouldnt understand anyway

Oh I forgot, Barbie and angie chat for a minute and share a cigarette, that becomes a huge deal later

Episode 2: The Fire
Wow, I wrote way too much for the first ep, I'll try to cut it down a bit for the second episode.

I'll get to the issues with Coggins soon, he's my least favorite character in the show, by far.

So Linda is the new Sheriff, not much question there

So Junior is insane, I'll not dwell that I hate this Bomb shelter storyline already, She should be dead. but she thinks it smart to tell her deranged ex boyfriend kidnapper that a guy she talked to for a minute 'screwed her brains out'? smart girl, I bet that'll work, or at least help get whatever you're looking for...

The dome is 10 miles wide? It's about a mile at most

So there are 3 cops now, Linda, Freddy, and other guy, that'll come into play later,

How did Junior find Barbie? Barbie is in the middle of nowhere looking for his Dogtags. did Junior put a tracer on him?

Ok, Coggins Is a moron, he trashes Duke's place clumsily and then finds the stuff he needs and lights it on fire in the trash can, alright, not bad, then 'accidentally' kicks the trash can against the curtains, which instantly light, almost like they were soaked in Alcohol, ok, so Coggins should probably get out, the front door is right around the corner. but nope, he ends up in the flaming house just sitting there. what is his issue?

so this week's issue is the Fire, they spend most of the episode dealing with the fire. it possibly spreading to other houses, it possibly eating up breathable air, they never mention the possibility of the smoke collecting on the dome like it does in the book.

So, thres no power in the city, yet Joe's phone is still fully charged? and he records Barbie being a hero

Ok fire's out, Rennie and Linda are the heroes, alright

Woah, so now the cop is randomly pissed off? ok, and he shot the other cop? fine, ok, shocking.

so the weekly issue of putting out the fire was done, and another person was killed randomly, feeling a little formulaic so far.

Episode 3: Manhunt
Theres a skate park in this tiny town? thats rather urban of them

norrie meets joe and asks to move in with him at the same time, woo deep character moment huh?

So let me get this straight, the new Sheriff fell for the 'sick inmate' routine? strike one for Linda she also says Rennie 'cant control her' yeah I bet that remains true

Right now Rennie is friendly to Barbie...Yep, start of a long friendship

So far this whole episode has revolved around the cop that shot freddy in the last episode, i'll say that's the weekly issue, end of the episode he gets shot, case closed, never mentioned again.

There's randomly a giant party at joe's place, I bet the next episode will have him cleaning up the mess right?

Angie's still in the bunker, would be nice for her brother to wonder where she is when he's having his big party.

Oh Carter makes an appearance, one of the big bads in the book, never seen again.

so Norrie is now into joe after a couple hours, and liking nerds? didnt she just lie to him to use his power? and they have a seizure together, is that like orgasming at the same time? is this character development? are all teen girls this easy? make a deathstar reference gets you laid?

ok angie now has Scissors, those will help right?

Episode 4: Outbreak
I'll just say this, They all get the flu for no reason and its cured by the end of the episode. yep. now for nitpicking

Theres those scissors, they didmt do anything, stupid angie.

Joe and norrie have seizure when they touch. they record it and joe shh's the camera...right, that'll be big in the future.....

so, theres a rusty water pipe that angie can break? alright, and the amount of water flooding into that bomb shelter should flood and drown her in a few minutes. yet it never gets more than knee height, and later when Rennie stores the confiscated guns in there the water is gone, from the sealed room.

alice is a diabetic? has that been addressed before?

Wait, why the Hell is Coggins burning the medicine? does god not like Meds? Seriously? I hope he dies soon.

the first inclination that the Dome is making people do things. It's like they're trying to make the Dome the Island from lost. Good luck with that...

And finally, Angie might get removed from the horrible stupid storyline, Please Rennie, kill her and save us the annoyance

Episode 5: Blue on Blue
This one's about the imminent strike of the Moab missile on the dome, this was a good storyline in the book because the residents learn about it through the Radio. and I guess they do hear it over Doddee's radio, you know, that thing that is used to start plots once in a while. But this one starts with Coggin's hearing MOAB. it's almost like him yelling EEEEEPPPPAAAAAA EEEEEEPPPAAAAA. anyway the whole episode basically revolves around people getting ready for the missile, then it doing nothing. yep, it scorces the earth on one side of the dome, that you see in the next episode, and thats it, you never see that side of the dome again.

Theres a visitor day, and Angie's dad shows up, ok, random, this will come in later in the series right? no? oh ok then, nice tease for a storyline that disappears. Julia talks to her husband, remember him? no? well dont worry, he wont be seen again. Doddee knows sign language, hmm, that'll come in handy later, or will never be mentioned again ever....

So angie's out of the Bomb shelter! Yay!...Junior finds her, oh, well that lasted long, I bet the next episode will milk this right?

So, Angie and joe finally kiss, after knowing each other for 2 seizure this time, sloppy writing? or just another time they break the show's rules

I'll say, the Image of the scorched earth on the side of the dome is awesome, I just wish that was a large plot point for the rest of the series

And Coggins is dead, hallelujah

Episode 6: the Endless Thirst
This week's problem is spawned from finding Coggin's dead body. Ollie, (who owns the town's well and should not be afraid of running out of water) is worrying about running out of water. but someone says they'll be fine as long as they have the water tower

Alice has a conveniently timed Diabetic Abnormality and crashes into the Water tower....Well shit, I wonder what the episode is gonna focus on this time. They could drink the lake water, yet for some reason the giant missile that did no damage inside the dome, yet it conveniently opened a methane pocket that polluted the Lake....well that's convenient, sure hope they don't decide to make it rain inside the dome for no reason....

So Joe and Norrie are interfering with radio waves? well, that'll come back somehow, right?

Rose Died? Does anyone really care? was her character established enough to warrant care for her character? no? oh well, another one dead cause the writers don't ave a storyline for her.

and it's raining, yep, inside a dome, the dome decided to rain. the dome can do anything, Yay writer's crutch!

Rennie is protecting Angie now, this storyline never goes anywhere, it's dropped almost instantly.

Episode 7: Imperfect Circle
Julia and barbie had sex, yeah, adults have sex after 5 days and lying, yep, way to go.

this week's issue is a pregnant lady, who's never been seen before has a baby. now I've seen this before, (claire, Laurie, skylar, rita, Rachel, Phoebe, quinn) you get the idea. yet every one of those characters had an established pregnancy from the beginning of the series or much longer in the series. I hate pregnancy storylines, lets face it, the baby always lives, and very rarely does that mom die. this one has no difference, baby's born, mom lives, they're never seen again.

but norrie's mom dies after that, yep, they pulled a lost, one new life, and a death, boone's the mom.

The secondary storyline is Ollie, who owns the well, becoming the king. yeah,

Angie finally returns home, joe doesn't seem too phased by her disappearance, what a great brother.

I believe it was this episode that introduced the 'egg' storyline. this whole storyline just feels like the writers were grasping for storylines. I mean I enjoy the idea that it's the Dome's Center, but It woulda been cool if when they moved it the dome moved too, or if it was some kind of character building device, like letting the eventual 4 hands somehow be connected by something other than just Convenience.

Episode 8: Thicker than Water
Rennie Disowns Junior at the beginning....never addressed again.

ollie dies and that storyline is written out, oh damn blowing up a well causes water to flow to a different well? bullshit

the Monarch is Crowned storyline appears in this one, oh great, another random storyline that doesn't pay off. Doesn't this show have like 60 other storylines they can use? why do they have to throw in another pathetic plot?

Norrie has a moodswing while throwing snow globes at the dome. yay, the actress tried to show emotion

and a fals cliffhanger with Norrie's Tattoo that is never seen after its brought up.

Episode 9: The Fourth Hand
And the start of the angie/joe/Junior/Norrie partner ship, so the writers couldnt write any real characer developments. just use characters allready in the show. and try to give them some kind of personality. yet all 4 are unbelievably 1 Dimensional. I really hate these characters in the show.

Angie asks Rennie about buying the Sweetbriar Rose, the diner. Storyline disappears. this is a recurring theme, dropped stories.

they also introduce the character Maxine. She wasnt in the script, and she's never been mentioned before on the show yet we're supposed to believe she's been in this tiny town for over a week. was she hibernating? No? then where was she and why in the living hell was she introduced? she was introduced as someone no one knows, yet later when Rennie is blaming Barbie, (who at this point is still one of the big saviors of the town) I hated that they threw her in for no reason and was so happy when Hank shot her.

did I say Hank? oops, I meant rennie. that was TOTALLY not on purpose.

At this point Barbie and Angie have only interacted once, for 1 minute, keep that in mind.

oh and the guns have been collected. yeah, i bet people randomly have guns later in the episodes.

Episode 10: Let the Games Begin
Ah the Fight club episode. one of the writers must have watched Fight club and wanted to write it in, cause there it is, in all it's glory, a fight club, that's so well organized it has to have been going on for a while, right? has anyone ever mentioned it before? no? oh, well shit, another one episode side quest that goes nowhere and does nothing.

Hank kills Maxine's mom. he stares down at her as she overdoses in bed, err I mean, drowns in the small Methane infused lake. bitch didn't know how to float I guess, and also somehow fell of of a speed boat. how the hell did she find a way to trip and fall off the boat when she was sitting. did a shark knock her off? sharkweek was around here somewhere right?

the pink stars are finally revealed to be, well something the writers haven't decided on yet.

Episode 11: Speak of the Devil
so, Julia knows barbie killed her husband, yet doesn't care and is still friends? wow, lonely and desperate whore.

Another dome related weather anomaly happens, this time Junior walks out on the group and the dome throws a hissy fit, high winds and tornado clouds. it's ok, itll be resolved by the end of the episode.

Maxine shoots Julia point blank. in the shoulder, top notch criminal cant even shoot the red headed bimbo right. god damn, anyway this leads to one of the worst gaps in logic ive seen ever, she's shot, barbie comes down, he radios Linda, (who's still friendly with him right now) says to come help him as soon as she can. rennie stops linda, saying that barbie shot her, and he's insane. linda forgets all the good barbie's been doing and believes rennie. joe drives up (where did he get a car, and where was he going in said car, and why do you need to drive a car in this tiny dome?) he pulls up, randomly decided to help barbie, they haul her into the car and head for the hospital. which is staffed this time. barbie helps nurse her back to health, mostly, she has a convenient coma. and joe decided he's the monarch.

this all happens over like 2 or 3 hours, then linda shows up at julia's did it take her 3 hours to get from the police station to julia's. oh and the DJ is with her, this will play next episode.

Barbie and Rennie go to take ot Maxine and Rennie shoots maxine...well, theres yet another wasted storyline, god damn.

linda pulls up

Wait, wait wait, you're telling me it takes her 3 hours to drive to a house, and then like 5 minutes to drive to this abandoned quarry on the other side of the (10 mile) dome? seriously? and she didnt just see Rennie shoot maxine? and she doesn't understand that the bodies are lying the wrong way? how did she ever become a damn officer, let alone sheriff.

the kids see a vision of killing rennie, never comes to pass this season, maybe next.

Episode 12: Exigent Circumstances
ok down to the Penultimate episode, im a little tired of writing this so I'll be quick.

Rennie is framing Barbie for shooting Julia (convenient coma) and killing maxine (who's now a beloved businesswoman)

I'll skip over the crap with Joe and Norrie moving the Egg and it's dome. it's moved, nothing important happens.

I'm going to focus my hate on the scene between doddee, her radio, and Rennie. this whole scene is completely useless. it starts out with doddee listening to her radio, she learns that the military is looking for Barbie, and the egg, (How the balls do they know about the egg?) she tells rennie about it, and rennie listens to the broadcast for a bit, he hears that theyre looking for barbie, someone in the military mentions that they watched Rennie killing coggins. doddee confronts him and they bicker for a good 7 minutes, she threatens him and she sounds like she could become a good character. Rennie shoots her. anything she just said she'll do will never happen. he then burns the radio station down. so now they will never hear from the military. doddee will not be a problem. rennie blames it on barbie, who has no reason to burn it down, and has been nothing but friendly to doddee. yet everyone believes rennie when he blames him. just hands down lazy writing, waste 10 minutes setting up, nothing, none of those storylines are going anywhere, nothing in this scene will pass forward, hell even the radio station burning down, (which was a lot bigger than duke's house in episode 2) isnt an issue, the fire is contained instantly. just pure laziness

Remember when I said barbie and Angie only interacted once? yeah, it's come back. Barbie goes to angie to help him get into the hospital to get julia. she was a candy striper in the scene. yep, and they shared a cigarette back then. now they break in, which was very easy. and to distract junior angie pretends to love him again. they kiss and she tastes like cigarettes. junior, who's not the smartest, instantly figures out the whole plan and runs after barbie.

barbie gets julia into an ambulance. Junior is able to say 'I found Barbie' into his walkie. barbie tackles him, beats him up, steals his walkie, and sends angie and julia away in the ambulance. Linda pulls up, pulls a gun on barbie, and then calls all the deputies on her walkie to look for angie driving an ambulance with julia in the back. how does she know this? junior never told her. she should have no reason to know that was angie and julia in that ambulance.

Episode 13: Curtains
Finale, Finally!

So, this is one of the most anticlimactic finale's ever. the minidome and egg hatches a monarch. (i forgot to mention this storyline earlier. theres a monarch in a chrysalis, it hatches) the monarch goes crazy, slams into the minidome, it dies, the dome turns black. cheap effect.

the big dome turns black. AKA, night shoot. the people instantly find jesus and become catholic for a scene, even the lesbian woman whos alive,

minidome disappears, the monarch flutters around randomly for a few minutes, the egg needs attention, julia grabs it, she's the monarch I guess.

Junior takes barbie hostage, again, he as jailbroke earlier, anyway he's back under arrest. and the jesus freaks built a gallows in an hour. i guess jesus was a carpenter.

julia takes the egg to drop it in the Methane lake. on a boat she never had keys for. she does, it turns to pink lasers. they fly into the sky, stopping Barbie's hanging temporarily, rennie yells at junior to hang him. the punk lasers hit the dome. it turns white

thats it, yes, that's the finale, the dome turns white. but you do see scorched earth on one side of the dome so at least they remember that.

Oh, remember Linda's husband? yeah, neither do the writers

 - Final Thoughts - 
This Review has gone on way too long, it's easily my longest entry and i'd be amazed if anyone made it this far but, well i felt like writing a full review.

Some Decent special effects early on cant make up for the horrendous writing and overall just unbelievably stupid show. A real disgrace to a Brilliant book.

So, in the course of writing this review I finished Big bag theory season 6. yeah, so maybe I should review that as well. oh damn
