Tv Season Review: Elementary Season 1



3rd post in only a few hours. It's almost like Spamming. but Since no one reads this I feel like its completely okay to spam you.

Anyway I just Finished the first season of Elementary. You know, that remake of Sherlock. one of the Best shows on TV.

that's harsh, it's not really a remake is it? it's a complete re imagining of the character. Sherlock is now an ex-junkie who has tattoos and is living in New York. It actually ended up a lot better than I thought it would be.

TV SEASON REVIEW: Elementary, Season 1

Sherlock Holmes is a brilliant character. whether it's Jonny lee Miller or Benedict Cumberbatch, he is an amazing character. Miller plays him as an odd sort of mix of neurotic and genius. He doesn't quite do as well a job as Cumberbatch and he is hindered a bit by the shorter form of the episodes. but he does a pretty good job as Holmes.

Lucy Liu brings an interesting touch to Watson. before watching the show I was annoyed that they gender swapped it, I kept expecting them to end up in a romantic scenario but it never came to that so i was pleased. I like her as Watson actually, she's spunky and can keep up with Sherlock as the series goes on. I enjoyed how she becomes on par with Sherlock later in the series. but hes still the master

Being a weekly issue drama there isn't much over arcing story but each individual story was interesting and decently written. some of the stories felt far fetched and at times Sherlock just randomly comes up with clues out of literally nothing. he decides on things that just pop out of nowhere.

Personally I really liked the finale, it was a 2 episode story and it follows a pretty cool story. I didn't like who Moriarty ends up being. I think Moriarty is a great adversary for Sherlock and introducing Moriarty so early feels almost like a cop out.

The drug storyline felt unneeded. I never felt like the show would go dark enough to actually have Sherlock do drugs, and he never does (no he never does) and the constant threats of drugs just felt like a PSA.

Product Placement:
The show is a little hindered by unneeded product placement. Sherlock has a tablet that he insists on calling his 'surface' and he flicks through Windows 8. that kind of product placement bothers me. not as bad as other shows, but it's there.

Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) and Elementary.

Personally I love Sherlock. 6 Movies and each one is so well written that they are Interesting start to finish. they never fall into the cliche episode format. and Cumberbatch and Freeman are great as Holmes and Watson.

Sherlock Holmes, they're fine, overall nothing special. some glimmers of awesomeness, the Fight deductions and that kind of thing. but the movies are just to formulaic for me to fully enjoy them.

Elementary, the show is decent as a show, but they are unbelievably formulaic. starts with a murder, they research the murder, they blame someone, and unless its in the last 5 minutes its wrong, they find the real killer, then some character development at the end.

The show is just too predictable and formulaic for the show to Fully get out of the Procedural vein.

Decent show, but can't quite hold up to other Sherlock Holmes series recently.

So im moving on to Supernatural and Big Bang theory. Newsroom and Under the dome will get reviews next weekend, Under the dome's will be a very long review and I'm going to tear it the hell apart.

so, until then, later y'all!
