Movie Review 27: The Grandmaster

Nihao again!

So it's been a while since I reviewed a movie, the Last one was Percy Jackson, So it's about time I write another review. This one'll be a bit more like the normal review format. I'll reserve the random Ranting lists to the movies that have huge logic flaws.

anyway, Review!

MOVIE REVIEW: The Grandmaster

Like so many of the martial arts films that make it to America this film is beautiful. The cinematographer more than earned his paycheck.So many of the shots were gorgeous and just like Crouching tiger the Art direction was amazing.

Somehow Ziyi Zhang has become one of my favorite actresses, not only is she absolutely gorgeous, but she's a great actress as well. I've heard a lot of rumors ad scandals regarding her over the last few years, None of which I really believe. Anyway, after Crouching tiger and House of flying Daggers i love her as an actress. She's great in this as well as the disgraced daughter of the previous grandmaster, and potential love interest for Ip Man.

Tony Leung was good as Ip Man. It felt like he didn't have as much to do as the director thought, there were a lot of pauses and such that really didn't lead into interesting dialogue, just more pauses.

The Fight scenes were very well choreographed, I enjoyed seeing the different techniques and how Ip Man could disassemble them and figure out the perfect ways to counter them. and all of the fight scenes were believable. even with the few obvious wire stunts.

the movie did drag quite a bit. it's not as bad as a few other movies I've seen, but the movie felt almost too obsessed with it's beautiful shots. I mean, it's in the middle of a fight scene and it cuts to a shot of a snow covered Bench. It was a cool shot, but they forgot that there was this very well choreographed fight scene going on right next to it. the movie was very much a fight of style vs substance. it was a beautiful movie but it just didn't have enough storyline to justify it.

Everyone knows that there was a movie called Ip Man. if you really want to see the story of Ip Man (Bruce Lee's Master) go and watch Ip Man 1 and 2. they are much better than grandmaster. It was better written and overall a better movie.

That being said I did enjoy the movie. even if I felt like i already saw it before.

Final Verdict: 64
Ziyi Zhang is great and Tony Leung was good, but it was all style and very little story.

So, just finished Under the dome. I'm really looking forward to writing the Season review in a couple weeks when it's done. I am going to tear it apart. The show is absolutely Horrendous. I just want to start ranting now. The show has become one of the Dumbest shows on TV yet it's the Highest rated of the summer. Prepare for a ridiculously harsh review coming in two Mondays, unless the show somehow ties everything back together in the finale. but I don't expect it.
