100th post!

This is my 100th post!

I was thinking about making the line 'this is my 100th post' literally the whole pos, but then I decided I should actually add more stuff!

So, the big news in my life is i was hired/cast in an Improv troupe!

they're Called Random Phonetic Gestures Comedy, AKA RPG Comedy.

They Play games, with roles that people play!

anyway, I was part of the group a few years ago but I got super swamped with Work and wasn't able to devote the time that i had to. I also couldnt sell tickets well, because I was lame.

and Lame sucks.

Anyway I'm back in the group and i'll be posting various stuff on here about them in the next few months. I'm helping with their youtube channel so expect some links to there as well as a few of my own videos on my own channel.

So other than that not a whole lot is going on. I've seen World's end 3 times already, and I implore all of you to go see it! its awesome!. I'd say my followers, but noone follows me. *sad face*

So I originally had this big event planned for the 100th post, but I really dont know what to post. I'd love to have some big Blog altering event happen, but it's relatively calm here. Only new Adition lately is RPG.

I can no longer watch Breaking bad live, NOOOOOOOO!!!

for the next 5 weeks, Sad face again.

anyway i'm off to get a new haircut, I was gonna shave the sides of my head and make a mohawk, but that look only looks good on girls.
No I'm not gonna reference Miley Cyrus

Damn, too late....But Rooney Mara looks Lightyears better than Cyrus.

And yes yes, before someone claims i've only seen the american version, yes i've seen the swedish version, and I like Noomi Rapace better than Rooney mara has this picture and Noomi does not.

Craig was better as blomkvist tho

So, anyway, off to get that haircut, If I do something drastic I'll post it, It'll be a 101st post extravaganza!
