A wild TCFF bumper arrives!

well damn, this thing was just posted by TCFF. its odd, it seems so familiar.

Let me know what you think


  1. So have you heard anything from the TCFF yet? I've seen one video on Vimeo already boasting that it's an "Honorable Mention":

    1. not at all, they uploaded mine on their youtube account for a little while, but its since dropped off, let me know if you hear anything!!

  2. Haven't heard word one! I'm guessing that they would have notified the winners already, as they needed to get signed release forms back in time to run the shorts during the TCFF.

    Damn! And mine--and yours, too--was sooo good.

    1. thanks, I'm not sure if ive watched yours

      Yeah i figured we'd have heard something my now

    2. I didn't put mine online, since I was waiting to hear from the TCFF. Funny how they can put yours on their YouTube channel without a release.

    3. yeah, i didnt really mind, got me a bit more publicity. but yeah, its a little odd to see someone else post it

  3. The winners were announced:

    --First place, winner of $1000: JohnPaul Morris for "Paper Cut"

    --Second place, winner of $500: Brian Steinberg for "TCFF the 9th"

    --Third place, winner of $200: Nancy Rampson for "How Many Stars"

    So much for "aspiring filmmakers", since the first place winner runs a production company, and won first place in 2011 and placed third in 2010.

    The second place winner's entry was probably the most annoying thing I'd watched--but it ended with a portrait of Michael Moore. The big smooch worked:

    And the third place winner Nancy Rampson worked with Chris Skrundz, a Chicago-based owner of a media production company,

    What a crock! They should at least consider have professional and amateur divisions!

    1. ill admit, the first place one was easily the best out of all the entries, ill let the professional status slide.

      the second place one made me want to shave my eyes with a potato peeler...im trying to decide on a overly painful way to remove my hearing.

      thid place, eh, it wasnt too good for me, but they went the cute dog way, whatever, people like dogs

      yeah the choices are a little dissappoiting, but oh well, im not looking forward to sitting through number 2 at all my 25 films, ugh

  4. So did you ever get a rejection email from the TCFF?

    1. nope, but for some reason my video is in the official tcff app now.

      im not sure but i might be an honorable mention...but i was never contacted about bringing a disc version or anything...shrug, i dunno

  5. I finally received my rejection email from the TCFF on Friday, August 2. No surprise there.


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