Afternoon everyone!
just another random update. nothing special really, just sitting in my garage working on my isaac cosplay so i figured id take some time out to say hello to all of you,
I'm currently working on a small Bumper Trailer for the Traverse city film Festival 2013, its a small short that plays in front of the movies. its mostly my dads idea, and he's so pumped for it, even tho its obviously a minute to long
guidelines are:
- Family friendly
- TCFF related
- 20-60 seconds
- humorous
Now the idea is relatively good, i feel like it can be improved on a lot, but he's so damn pushy about it i dont have much choice.
so this weekend ill be shooting the individual parts of it that i need to.
i'll probably post later with some vaious ideas i added in in the background. Like a street busker, or Where the hell is matt.
theres a long list of ideas im adding in, and i just now started thinking about it.
Anyway, i figured i'd do my list of the Top 5 Favorite TCFF movies that i've seen. it's tricky to narrow it down because ive seen almost 125 in the 8 years, but ill give it a shot
5. Air Guitar Nation: a documentary about the national air guitar Championships in Finland. Hilariously written and fun characters make it my favorite Documentary
4. Chaser: and Excellent Korean revenge thriller. the story actually pays off on its tone, unlike so many american 'thrillers' where everything ends up all right
3. Let the Right one in: the Original Swedish Vampire movie, based on the book by John Adjvide Lindqvist. i love the somber slow mood, and the subtle hints at the transsexual storyline. it was later remade as Let me In, in america but the remake lost a lot of the creepy feel, instead making Eli (abby in the remake) a cute little girl instead of a pitiful looking one...not to mention deleting the disturbing backstory that made the book so well written.
2. The Raid: Redemption: what can i say, awesome action movies are awesome, and the raid delivers on Every Count, it blew my mind how awesome this movie was, the brutal bloody Fight scenes are of the best and fastest paced ive ever seen in a movie.
1. The Host: An amazing Monster movie out of Korea. its pacing and humor are great all the way through. it made me love Korean Cinema. and the ending packs such an emotional punch that american monster movies just dont compare. (tho pacific rim looks promising)
just another random update. nothing special really, just sitting in my garage working on my isaac cosplay so i figured id take some time out to say hello to all of you,
I'm currently working on a small Bumper Trailer for the Traverse city film Festival 2013, its a small short that plays in front of the movies. its mostly my dads idea, and he's so pumped for it, even tho its obviously a minute to long
guidelines are:
- Family friendly
- TCFF related
- 20-60 seconds
- humorous
Now the idea is relatively good, i feel like it can be improved on a lot, but he's so damn pushy about it i dont have much choice.
so this weekend ill be shooting the individual parts of it that i need to.
i'll probably post later with some vaious ideas i added in in the background. Like a street busker, or Where the hell is matt.
theres a long list of ideas im adding in, and i just now started thinking about it.
Anyway, i figured i'd do my list of the Top 5 Favorite TCFF movies that i've seen. it's tricky to narrow it down because ive seen almost 125 in the 8 years, but ill give it a shot
5. Air Guitar Nation: a documentary about the national air guitar Championships in Finland. Hilariously written and fun characters make it my favorite Documentary
4. Chaser: and Excellent Korean revenge thriller. the story actually pays off on its tone, unlike so many american 'thrillers' where everything ends up all right
3. Let the Right one in: the Original Swedish Vampire movie, based on the book by John Adjvide Lindqvist. i love the somber slow mood, and the subtle hints at the transsexual storyline. it was later remade as Let me In, in america but the remake lost a lot of the creepy feel, instead making Eli (abby in the remake) a cute little girl instead of a pitiful looking one...not to mention deleting the disturbing backstory that made the book so well written.
2. The Raid: Redemption: what can i say, awesome action movies are awesome, and the raid delivers on Every Count, it blew my mind how awesome this movie was, the brutal bloody Fight scenes are of the best and fastest paced ive ever seen in a movie.
1. The Host: An amazing Monster movie out of Korea. its pacing and humor are great all the way through. it made me love Korean Cinema. and the ending packs such an emotional punch that american monster movies just dont compare. (tho pacific rim looks promising)
all 5 of these movies just happen to be Midnight movies. and this year i'm planning on seeing 4 more midnight movies, so maybe one of these will change soon, who knows!
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