Post 3: Isaac Clarke

Hey everyone!

So its about 3:00 Pm now when im starting this one, just woke up about an hour ago. not really sure why but my sleep schedule is seriously messed up lately, falling asleep at like  6AM and waking up at 2, its actually quite frustrating.

anyway, i figured id add a quick post, just to keep this blog a rollin. Today's plan is to get some yard work done, id Vlog that, but mowing the lawn isnt remotely interesting or fun. on my breaks i usually do a little costume work, but at the moment i dont have any parts of the project i can work on, 

OH! ive yet to fill you in on what im doing for my first official real cosplay!.

without further ado, i present, ISAAC CLARKE!

Why did i choose to make such a complicated Costume as my first costume?

So i started this by doing extensive sketches and testing before i even started to work on the costume, but then...

I made a super makeshift mask looks so shitty, but i got the pieces to the size i want, currently getting them molded in Plexiglass

Next up i made all of the individual Ribs that isaac has, here's the front.

And here's them all, before Sanding. sanding was a ell of a chore, but these all ended up looking pretty good

 I was watching a little too much One Piece while i was doing this, Kuma was here

The belts that the ribs attach to, before i cut and fit them to the right size.

this is how the Final ribbing set up will look, the Ruler on the left is filling in for the Health spine thats yet to be assembled

a quick drawing of the Plasma cutter, yesterday's project i sketched 

 added a bit of color, just to be cool and fanciful.

Yet another shot of isaac, currently my lock screen on my phone, and this shows off the insanely difficult health spine and backpack

me....cuz, you all want to see me....

Here are this weeks challenges, Isaac's right shoulder, the mask, and the plasma cutter. also the right gauntlet, i should be working on these for a while. 

so anyway, i figure ill do an cosplay related top 5 this time, 

Top 5 Cosplays im planning this year.

5. Gideon Graves - From Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. I already have 90% of the costume, so i figure, why not just buy a white sport coat and go as the evil master himself? well apparently white sport coats are rather hard to find at salvation armies, hmm who knew. also the chance to make a pixel sword is awesome

4. Dr Horrible - I've already done him once, but it was seriously under par for me, the goggles were wrong,t he Howie jacket was wrong, the boots are wrong, its just so wrong...i plan to revamp it for Fanexpo this year

3. Roronoa Zoro - After watching 600 episodes on One Piece in 6 months i need to somehow show my new fandom, and the awesome swordsman is the best for me, either him or Sanji, or one of the random evil characters, im looking at Law, Smoker or Mihawk as back ups. sorry for the double pic, but they were both badass

2. Prince Nuada - I've tried to do Nuada for about 3 Halloweens so far, and ive always given up, he's easily my favorite badguy in a movie, and he's a total badass. i also love his weapons and armor. i hope to have it done by Youmacon this year.

Isaac Clarke
1. Isaac clarke - Nothing like taking on the mst difficult first, figure out what i can do and what i cant, Isaac started as a pipe dream and slowly its been evolving into something like a lego project, except i have to make the legos, and theres a lot of pieces

Well that completes this post, Have fun with all the pictures!

"In the land of the Blind, the one eyed man is king"
