Movie Review 189: Circle


Ok, so after Star Wars I figured i'd turn on a random netflix movie, i ended on the psychological thriller Circle.

the basic premise is 50 people wake up in a room in a circle. then once every few minutes a countdown starts and one person dies. turns out they are voting for each other. Over the course of the movie it gets more and more heated as they start forming alliances and killing each other off one by one.

I won't get into final spoilers but I have to say I loved this movie. It reminded me of movies like Face To Face or Coherence from the TCFF. It was brilliant from start to finish. A seemingly random group of people forced to decide who amongst them die. It's like a real life version of Werewolf!

the acting was decent, big enough ensemble that noone really had any huge long difficult scenes.

THeres not a whole lot else i can say, the filmmakers managed to keep me on the edge of my seat all the way through with minimal sets and effects. THese are the kind of movies I wish I could make.

Final Verdict: 92
