TCFF 2015 Movie Review 4: Diplomacy


I love bottle dramas, whether it's Legacy from a few years ago or Face to Face from a different year. The Tcff has a great track record of bringing brilliantly written dramas set in a singular place.

Diplomacy is a great example. Basically just a two man play about a german General and a diplomat sent to talk him out of destroying Paris. I loved the way the film unfolded it's plot lines and the twists never felt forced. They all felt believable and understandable in the course of the film.

The two leads were perfect. They single handedly carried this film from start to finish. I liked that there wasn't much tension between the two but it was from outside sources leading to tension on them.

Overall, I would highly recommend this movie to anybody who likes dramas set in a single room. The character study set on a day before a huge bombing is quite intriguing and the movie dares to ask some extremely difficult questions as it moves on.

Final Verdict: 90
