Movie Review 135: Nightcrawler

Hey everyone!

This was supposed to be up last night but I got sidetracked with randomness. then I had a very long day at work. Ever get stuck with a coworker who is a complete joy suck? Anyway I saw Nightcrawler last night with a friend and I really should review it!

I'll keep spoilers to a minimum. so read!

Movie Review: Nightcrawler

Jake Gyllenhall is amazing in this. If he doesn't at least get an Oscar nomination, he's been snubbed. He was enthralling all the way through. Always slightly on the edge of insanity. I never quite knew how far his character was going to go, and I loved that. He was brilliant at every turn. I loved how you could see the character trying to come up with more and more disturbing shots. it's a brilliant Character study on a character you really shouldn't like but end up interested in.

The movie was very well shot, it had an uneasy feel and left you both paranoid and intrigued. I loved it from scene one to the end. The movie kept a brisk pace and the tension was perfect. I highly recommend this.

It felt like it didn't quite go far enough. I was hoping it would go to just a bit more disturbing but I guess that's just me.

Final Notes:
This movie was just full of tension and great acting. Gyllenhall should get an Oscar nomination. I'm sorry this is a really short review, but that's about all the praise or detractions I can think of. It was an all around great movie and should get a best actor nomination.

Final Verdict: 90
Great all around. but not memorable
