Top 10 Perk-a-Colas

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So soon? Yeah, Why not?

In a further effort to keep my own post count going I figure I'll stick with the Zombies theme today.

I'll get back to Movies and movie review randomness soon. most likely reviews of the new 300 and the new Robocop. neither of which I'm all that excited for. but they're movies, and I see everything...almost

Anyway, I thought long and hard about what else to do in the world of Call of Duty. decided I still hate the Multiplayer and Campaign modes. so i figured I'd stick with Zombies. From there I got side tracked by my bottle of Mountain I added the two...and Came up with Top 10 Perk a Cola's!

Yeah, it was either weapons of Colas. and Cola tastes better.

Top 10 Perk-A-Colas
Vulture Aid model BOII
10. Vulture Aid
I'll admit, i haven't used this one all that much. It's only available on Buried, so I've had a few days to play with it. I like the concept but it almost feels like 3 different perks thrown together. The Zombies giving ammo, giving money, or letting off green smoke. They don't seem all that connected. I like the Idea of Zombies dropping money and ammo like an RPG. but the Cloud of anti zombie feels unneeded.

Mule Kick Machine Render
9. Mule Kick
Complete love-hate relationship here. I like having a 3rd gun. but Hate the idea of losing it. and since I usually end up falling, or getting spanked by monkeys I lose it. I also don't really like having to cycle through another gun, I've died my fair share of times trying to get to a certain gun.

Stamin-Up Machine Render
8. Stamin-Up
This one is a rather boring perk. I can run longer, which is cool. but that's about all it does. I never buy it simply because it's nothing special. If I get it from a random perk or wunderfizz I don't complain, but it's just nothing I go out of my way to get.

Double Tap Root Beer Machine Render
7. Double Tap Root Beer
I hate this in Black ops 1, but love it in black ops 2. Ammo is precious so when you get a perk that makes you waste it, eh, not worth it. but the upgrade in BO2 made it fire 2 for the price of one, cha ching!

PhD Flopper Machine Render
6. PhD Flopper
another weird perk. I like to use it at times when I'm acting as a zombie decoy for another player. and I have explosives. and I like leaping off stairs to kill monkeys at the bottom. otherwise it's nothing I really love to use.

Speed Cola Machine Render
5. Speed Cola
Reloads kill me, like so many other things in this game. Speed Cola makes me reload faster. So I'll usually grab it if I have extra cash, and an empty perk slot. Don't really need much more of a reason. Faster. reloads.

Quick Revive Machine Render
4. Quick Revive
I usually play on Solo. something about the people I'm matched with just bothers me. (yes a stab at how CoD fans are ultimately annoying children) anyway i usually pick up quick revive just as an ass coverer. nothings more frustrating then getting cheapshot to death in an early round.

Electric Cherry machine BOII
3. Electric Cherry
This reminds me of some of the shields in Borderlands. I enjoy the thought of Zapping zombies all around me because I reloaded. I have no idea how the hell that logistically happens, but, well it's a game, who cares?

Deadshot Daiquiri Machine Render
2. Deadshot Daiquiri
I enjoy getting headshots. so a perk that allows me to get easier headshots is a no brainer. (see what I did there?) anyway It's a fun perk. i think it also gives a iron sights boost or something, but i don't really notice. it's all about the exploding heads.

Juggernog Machine Render
1. Juggernog
any question here? It makes me more resilient. and that's all i need. I hate being killed in 2 hits. especially by a guy with no legs. (yes that's happened, don't judge me) I also like Egg nog. so, Nog

 - Honorable Mentions - 

Der Wunderfizz 
Can't really say much. It's like saying the Mystery Box is my favorite weapon. I like the concept and the reward, but it's not really a perk per se.

Who's Who
I don't have Die Rise, so Never used it.

Tombstone Soda
I've honestly never gotten this. I've used it a couple times, but never got my tombstone back. it's a fine concept but I've never used it.

So that's it. nice short post. Now to find something a bit more productive to do. Leave a comment below if you have any favorite Perks.

You can even leave a comment if you have any suggestion for top 10 lists! I have a bunch of Ideas but I'm curious what you all want to see.
