Movie Review 72: Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit


Hello all, Been a week or so since the last Review. this time up is the latest installment of the Jack Ryan..Series? is it a series? Is this one somehow connected to the rest of the Jack Ryan movies?

I don't know, but this one was, weak. Review!

MOVIE REVIEW: Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

I like Chris Pine. He's one of Hollywood's young and upcomers. I can't really say upcomer can I? He's Captain Kirk. anyway, he brings the same type of charisma to this role. he handles himself well in action scenes and he overall carried an otherwise bland movie.

Kenneth Branagh was great as the villain, he was truly terrifying at times. especially when he was in dialogue scenes.

And let's start the cons. first off, it made no sense. the whole movie revolved around technical mumjo jumbo that made no sense. I consider myself rather intelligent but the whole plot was very tough to follow. he's going to Russia to audit a company that is hiding files? he gets there and the files were sold? so he hacks into their cable line and finds out their going to bomb somewhere the next day? then a kid from Dearborn Michigan (woo) is in Pennsylvania so he can bomb new york? that's it? how is any of this connected? and this connects to a depression how?

anyway let's get away from the ludicrous plot and talk about the action. I felt like I was watching a movie instead of in a movie. so many times the camera hung back from the action making me feel like I'm watching other people do things. I can't figure out how to explain it. most movies make you feel for the characters, but this one was happy just letting you see them doing things and not getting to really understand them. The characters were almost treated like puppets instead of characters.

the action scenes were underwhelming for an action movie. The fight scene in the hotel was predictable, the car chase was bland. I was a little curious if it would actually cross the line between bland and intriguing by killing Keira knightly, but alas, the bulbs in her mouth and a pipe to the front window stops the car and doesn't kill her, damn

the final chase was interesting, but if you saw the trailer you know how it ends. way to go marketing.

Final Notes:
The movie was fine as a brainless action flick, but it tried too hard to be intelligent at times and it just ended up as a lackluster muddle of 'I have to do this, because I have to do this so I can do this!"

Pine is good, the rest is shrugworthy

So, I should finish up my Oscar Predictions and I'm gonna do some Cosplay stuff tonight, sooo Goodnight everyone! unless I come back later for more!
