So I just spent a few hours writing this list, so my intro will be pretty short. I just caught up to the present on the One Piece anime. and 622 episodes later.....My 25 Favorite One Piece Characters!

25. Monet
Starting off the list is Ceasar Clown's Secretary, Monet! She's an odd character, being half bird half Human. Thanks to Trafalgar Law replacing her limbs. Makes me curious where her real limbs are. are they flopping around like Kine'mon's legs were? anyway, Monet's an interesting mix of insane and calculating. The fact that she was smart enough to realize that she couldn't beat Zoro or Luffy in one on one combat made it interesting that she actually took on the fights. easily besting Luffy, until he randomly grew a brain and broke the floor.

24. Killer
Havent seen much out of Killer yet. He's a mystery to me, but he seems like the Zoro of the Kid pirates. I'm mostly basing this pick from his take no shit attitude and really hoping he becomes a main villain sometime in the near future. I'd love to see him go face to face with Zoro or Sanji. and have them actually fight to the death. I also like his name

23. Eustass Kid
Hasn't done too much so far in the series. He had some good scenes in Saobody, but since then he's just had small fleeting scenes. I love his Magneto like ability, and he could be quite the opponent to Luffy in the future. I want him to stay evil and not side with the straw hats, mostly cause I want to see a Kid vs. Law battle.

22. Perona
Another weirdo. She's one of the strangest of the characters, from her bowlegged stance to her strange eyes, to her glitchy looking ability. but I like Perona. I like the character evolution of being the enemy to ultimately being a friend to Zoro. I'm interested to see her return again in later Arcs. I'd be curious to see if Usopp is still her Nemesis like she claimed in Thriller Bark.

21. Franky
Hey, A straw hat Member! I know, I know, rather low for a crew member, but I honestly feel Franky has become a bit gimmicky. He was fine when he looked like a human, with robot parts, but since the time skip he's become "HELLO I AM A ROBOT!" and then Chopper, Usopp and Luffy marvel over his random Robot stuff, then he does some elaborate SUPERRRR pose. and it's just non stop marvelling at his Robotness since the Timeskip. Other than that I really like him as a shipwright and a fighter, it's just getting annoying how happy he is with his robotness.

20. Buggy
Ah Buggy, one of the earliest Enemies. He's had quite an odd set of stories since his first appearance. not only was he on Gol D. Roger's ship, but he's now a Shichibukai. Hey! First Shichibukai on the list! He's ultimately a pretty wimpy character, and is mostly just there as comic relief, but I've liked him since Impel Down through the Whitebeard war. I'm interested to see him after the Timeskip. see if he's an actual threat or all talk and no action.

19. Arlong
I struggled putting Arlong up here. But he ended up making it purely due to his serious nature. If you haven't noticed I really like the more serious characters in the show. the ones that actually feel like realistic pirates, and even though he's a shark Arlong feels like a more believable character than many of the others. I also enjoyed learning more of his back story in the Fishman Island arc. (one of the few things I really Liked about it)

18. Bartholomew Kuma
Kuma's interesting. I really like the idea of him splitting up the Straw hates to save their lives instead of killing them. and I liked him giving Zoro Luffy's pain. It showed he had more of a soul than most of the other characters on the show, and the fact that he was slowly losing it was very cool. I liked that he defended the Thousand Sunny during the time skip as a final act of humanity before he was turned completely into a robot. I also like the Pacifistas and hope they come back into the stories

17. Boa Hancock
Yay Fanservice! You may notice Nami's not on here. well, Boa Hancock is! personally I like Boa Hancock. she's a fun oddball character and I enjoy her little fantasies about Luffy. I'll be honest and say her costume is one of my favorite cosplays to look at but hey, lets face it, it has a lot of cleavage. I'm curious to see if she comes back into the story, or if she's even a Shichibukai still.

16. Crocodile
Crocodile is a very interesting character. a former Shichibukai, a leader of the Baroque Works, a King, then prisoner. Now I think he's on the run somewhere. I really like his cocky personality and I'm curious to see if he's still powerful or if he's been passed by the rest of the world.

15. Coby
I know, I know, a really really random Pick. but I firmly believe he'll be a big adversary in the last few chapters of the series. He started as a complete wimp, but slowly he's become a Haki user and a Captain within the Marines. I'm very interested to see if he becomes the replacement for Akainu after Luffy beats him to death. Yes, I assume Coby will be the replacement for Akainu after Luffy gets his vengeance.

14. Jinbe
Not 100% sure if its Jinbe or Jinbei, but I like him. I have no doubt he'll join the crew in the future and I love him as a sort of mentor of Luffy. He'll be a very interesting addition to the crew and will hopefully add a bit of maturity to it. He'll make a good addition to the crew that already has a reindeer, a robot, a skeleton, and a rubber man.

13. Monkey D. Luffy
And let the flame war begin. I don't really like Luffy. to me he's a two sided Coin. on the one side he is amazing and awesome when he's serious. for example the impel down and Whitebeard war arcs. but on the other he's annoying as hell. I cant stand when he makes stupid decisions, or when he runs off in one direction for no reason, or doesn't understand the point of things. But when he gets serious, he is scary. I can see why he's a fan favorite but to me he's only half awesome and half aggravating.

12. Tashigi
Yeah, Tashigi made my list. yet another weird one. I like her character. the nerdy book worm, who's in love with swords. and a type of rival for Zoro, who becomes more of an ally to him as she realizes just how powerful he really is. I enjoy her intelligence and how she calculates her moves. I also like the fact that she's the opposite of fan service. until Smoker takes over her body.

11. Aokiji
For some reason I feel like I'd be Aokiji if I was in the One Piece world. I'm very laid back and ultimately would do the right thing but wouldn't really try all that hard. I also think Ice is a really cool Logia ability. I like Aokiji as a character and I'm excited to see him return after the time skip (apparently in the next episode)

10. Ace
Another serious character. He's a badass, or, was a badass. I miss ace. Maybe not as much as all of you. Given the fact that he's only in a few episodes total he's not a huge character. I mean, he was in the Arabasta Arc and appeared here and there over the next few arcs, the was mostly just the goal in Impel down and the Whitebeard war arcs. Yet I love his ability and his personality. I also like the fact that he sacrificed himself for Luffy. It gave a lot of weight to Luffy's quest. to see his own brother sacrifice himself because he's going to be the Pirate King should have made Luffy much much more driven. I see Ace as the sacrificial lamb that truly starts Luffy on his way to his destiny. and I hope Luffy wisens up and doesn't let any more of his loved ones die. though I hope some do, because the show needs some darkness.

9. Akainu
Akainu above Ace and Aokiji? Well, I'm sure the Ace fangirls are gonna hate this, but I like Akainu as a character. I don't like him as in wanting to be his friend, but i love the fact that he's powerful and utterly devoted to his cause. I see him as a very important enemy as the show goes farther. Him vs. Luffy will be one of the most emotionally charged fights in the show, and I assume Luffy will kick his ass in the third round, like always.

8. Kaku
Who? Yeah, exactly. I really Liked Kaku from the CP9. I loved his acrobatics and Assassin like Freerunning early in his arc. Kinda didn't like the random Giraffe Zoan ability he got. I loved him as the serious secret agent. He seemed like a very imposing force, until he became a giraffe randomly.

7. Dracule Mihawk
He's yet to fully come to the level he can come to. but i love the fact that he is a bit of an adversary and rival, yet an ally to Zoro. I want to see the eventual duel between him and Zoro. only if its to the death. have you caught on that I think the show needs to start killing characters, I mean so many of the characters just get knocked out and not killed.

6. Sanji
I love Sanji, usually. He's a fun and badass character when he wants to be, but I really want him to forget his Chivalry once in a while. If a girl attacked me I'd defend myself. I wouldn't punch a girl just to for no reason, but if she was trying to kill me, I'd kill her right back. but anyway Sanji is a lot of fun. I love the kicking style he has and want to see more one on one battles. He hasn't had any really good square offs in a long time. and even him with Knives is cool, like when he fought the noodle monster. haha, I like the word Noodle. and this is a potential cosplay

5. Donquiote Dolflamingo
Before I get into this one, I'm really looking forward to Dressrosa because of him. I haven't read any of it, so I have no idea if he's still as badass as he seems. But right now he seems badass. I love his Pseudo telekinesis and complete lack of care for everything. He's been mostly a behind the scenes character for now, and I look forward to seeing him in a more antagonistic light. I'm also curious to see who gets the Mera Mera no mi. Don't spoil it for me. I also might do this one as a cosplay sometime, considering I'm tall.

4. Nico Robin
My favorite woman in the show. She's very serious and very intelligent. I also love her morbid sense of humor. The only thing I don't like is that she's extremely underused. I mean, with her ability she can clone herself, or repair herself, or make some extremely badass things, yet she only makes wings and giant body parts. that being said I'm amazed she hasn't made giant boobs yet considering the way the show's Fan service has been lately. I want her to get better storylines.

3. Smoker
I'm not sure if Smoker is an enemy or an ally. He's kind of like that weird neutral character that will fight but then let them go. I love Smoker, he's a badass (I should stop using Badass as a descriptor, Since everyone seems badass) smoker's a very powerful character. and to quote another random movie 'like catching smoke with your bare hands' Points if you get the reference. Smoker's been overtaken by a lot of the more vicious New World bad guys, like Vergo and Dolflamingo, even Trafalgar Law. That said, he's still a favorite.

2. Zoro
Zoro! My favorite of the Crew, Hands down. I love swordsmen. Wait. I should clarify that, I love swords. Not in a Tashigi way. Well. Anyway, whatever, Zoro is awesome when he fights. the constant getting lost thing is frustrating, and the fact that he's no longer a drunk is lame. I liked him as a drunk swordsman. I'm really looking forward to him getting more and more powerful and it'll be really cool to see where the various rivalries he's acquired will go, like Mihawk, or Tashigi. I also am really curious what happened to his eye. would Cosplay him if I thought i could do his physique. He deserves to get a few more good one on one fights. most of them now he barely tries in.

1. Trafalgar Law
My number one! I love law, He's super serious and has yet to be at all comedic. and He has a really fun devil's fruit ability. It's like a Mr potato head. There's not too much else I can say about him. I want to cosplay him more than any of the others. and I will. I want him to join the Straw hats crew. I've been writing these for over an hour so time to finish it up!
- Honorable Mentions -
Bentham (Bon Kurei)
- I thought he was OK, but I he was annoying more than likable
- Cool Ability, but I didn't make the list
- Started very cool, as the navigator, but since the time skip she's been nothing but big boobs, sexy bikini, and fan service. why am i complaining?
Rob Lucci
- not as cool as Kaku, but pretty badass otherwise
- Has yet to fully ascend to the powerful level he'll probably get, and I'm sure he'll be the 4th Yonko Luffy takes out. or he'll be the one to pull a 'Luffy, you bow to no one' and give him the crown. or have a totally awesome duel and get destroyed by Luffy
- What about the rest of the crew? -
- He's so damn annoying. I'm annoyed every time he starts yelling and screaming which is all the time. and with Franky in the crew, his sniper status isn't all that important. but I really liked his abandonment arc in Water 7.
- Used to like him, but has since just ended up annoying as hell. especially him going bonkers over Franky. I prefer him more as a Doctor but he's really dumb outside of medical things.
- I like him just fine, but i like the others better. He doesn't have much character other than skeleton jokes and looking creepy.
So there you have it, my longest list so far. What do you think?
If any pictures are unviewable let me know. I'm having trouble with some of them
If any pictures are unviewable let me know. I'm having trouble with some of them
Seriously? no garp in list? comon man....
ReplyDeleteCouple of things Monet has arm's and legs in the flash back.An i believe that its just her power because there is no reason for her to have law change her limps,she can shape herself.And Shanks is a he.Nice list though.
ReplyDeleteMonet asked Law to give her wings, so he made her a Harpy around the same time he gave caesar's men Centaur bodies. it was her rule when she handed her heart to him in the trade