TCFF Movie Review 19: Dragon

Nihao again!

The newest film In the huge list is Dragon! A Chinese detective ish film


Donnie yen is a really good martial arts actor. He can go from sympathetic to demented at the drop of the hat.

The fight scene were well done, even if there weren't many of them. The fight In The shop was cool, especially after the reveal of the martial arts.

I found the detective as the most fascinating character. I love intelligent characters and ones that can deduce things out of tiny details.

After a strong beginning the pace of the movie greatly decreased. The last half hour just dragged on and on. I wasn't all that interested in the 72 dragons storyline and many of the cooler fight scenes had some really corny looking shots.

The anatomical writing was cool but the overall story was disappointing. It became uninspired near the end.

Final verdict: 66
Good visuals and some clever writing but spotty pacing

Now In line for we're the millers!
