Movie Review 7: Babymakers

Welcome back to another Movie review!

this time its the Craptacular Babymakers!

i really had no real reason to watch this, i used to like Olivia munn back on attack of the show, so, its been a while

anyway, review!

MOVIE REVIEW: Babymakers

Pros: um, skip

Ok, where the hell do i start? all of the acting seemed forced, the writing was horrible and suffered from more dropped plot-lines that LOST and Glee compined. the sets were bland as hell, the huor was juvenile to say the least, the cinematography was atrocious. and the actual concept was far fetched as fuck.

are we really supposed to believe that they keep sperm for over 10 years at a sperm bank. and thinking about it, how long have they been married? and how many ball traumas has he had since then.

and why does he fantasize about his wife fully clothed offering another not as hot girl naked to him...odd choice,...or just a no nudity clause...

all of them were forced, probably at gunpoint

um, yeah, skip

Final Verdict: 12

i know, it seems generous, but, well i have many movies i hated more, Meet the spartans, Movie 43, Zombie diaries, to name a few.
